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How to Analyze Maps & Atlases. What is a map? As a class, try to agree on the word’s definition.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Analyze Maps & Atlases. What is a map? As a class, try to agree on the word’s definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Analyze Maps & Atlases

2 What is a map? As a class, try to agree on the word’s definition.

3 What is the difference between a globe... Maps versus Globes

4 ...and a map? Maps versus Globes


6 Mercator projection Map Projections

7 Robinson projection Map Projections

8 Interrupted Goode homolosine projection Map Projections

9 What advantage does the Mercator map have, and what disadvantages?

10 In a Mercator projection, directions and shapes are accurate near the equator, but shapes far from the equator grow increasingly distorted in size. Map Projections

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