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© N. Ganesan, Ph.D., All rights reserved. Chapter Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission.

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1 © N. Ganesan, Ph.D., All rights reserved. Chapter Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission

2 Chapter Objectives Explain the features of asynchronous and synchronous transmission and possible areas of application for each transmission type

3 Chapter Modules Asynchronous Transmission Synchronous Transmission

4 © N. Ganesan, Ph.D., All rights reserved. Module Asynchronous Transmission

5 Questions What is the characterizing feature of asynchronous transmission? Give some examples of asynchronous transmission Can asynchronous transmission be conducted at high and low speeds? Give examples in each case

6 Asynchronous Transmission Burst mode transmission Sender and receiver are not synchronized with respect to the flow of the information However, the sender and receiver are synchronized with respect to the timing of the characters that are transmitted

7 A Note on Asynchronous Transmission In the past, asynchronous transmission referred only to character by character transmission where each character contained information about timing etc. –Note the use of start and stop bits At present, the concept of asynchronous transmission can be extended to cover packet transmissions as well

8 The Use of the Word Asynchronous Asynchronous Transmission –Generally refers to the transmission of characters with each character carrying information about timing Asynchronous Communication –Refers to overall communication between two points An example in this case would be ATM

9 Asynchronous Transmission Applied to Characters Stop BitStart Bit Each character is individually timed. Character Frame

10 Asynchronous Transmission Applied to Packets Packets of data Burst of Data A B Intermittent transmission of packets of data

11 Analogy Host expecting the arrival of guests Intermittent of burst arrival of guests

12 Asynchronous Transmission/Communication Application Character by character transmission Data packet transmission at present

13 Speed Variations In Asynchronous Transmission Low and high-speed transmissions are possible Low speed – Almost all modem based communications fall into this category High speed –Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Internet is a good example where asynchronous communication is used predominantly to carry the information

14 Questions What is the characterizing feature of asynchronous transmission? Give some examples of asynchronous transmission Can asynchronous transmission be conducted at high and low speeds? Give examples in each case

15 End of Module

16 © N. Ganesan, Ph.D., All rights reserved. Module Synchronous Transmission

17 Questions How does synchronous transmission differ from asynchronous transmission? Where is synchronous transmission used in practice?

18 Synchronous Transmission Sender and receiver are synchronized with respect to the sending and receiving of information Each character need not have a start-bit and a stop-bit as the sender and the receiver are both synchronized Requires more hardware and software resources High speed communication is the norm

19 A Note on Synchronous Transmission The definition of synchronous transmission refers to the transmission of characters However, the use of the word synchronous can be extended to cover packet transmission as well

20 Usage in Practice Which one of the two transmissions is used widely in the real world? Explain.

21 Examples of Synchronous Transmission High-speed communication links established using synchronous modems –It is now possible to establish high speed links based on asynchronous transmission Used in a number of mainframe installations –Collective exchange of information between the mainframe and the peripheral devices is based on synchronous transmission

22 In Summary Synchronous transmission plays a smaller role compared to asynchronous transmission in practice Implementation of synchronous transmission requires more resources Asynchronous technology has advanced –It is no more necessary to rely on synchronous communication to establish a high speed communication link

23 End of Module

24 End of Chapter

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