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The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 489 One night in the spring of 2008 a young man named Thomas, who was a college student in Chicago, had.

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Presentation on theme: "The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 489 One night in the spring of 2008 a young man named Thomas, who was a college student in Chicago, had."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 489 One night in the spring of 2008 a young man named Thomas, who was a college student in Chicago, had just returned home after having

2 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 490 spent an evening with his friend Dan. Thomas and Dan had visited the pastor of a church in the Chicago area who Thomas had met on the airplane when he was going back to Los Angeles for his

3 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 491 spring break a few weeks earlier. When the pastor introduced himself to Thomas on the airplane he told him that he could call him Pastor Ron. Thomas had a few minutes of free time available before going to bed so he

4 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 492 decided to go online with his computer and try to contact a psychic in India named Kala who Thomas had an online video chat session with when he was in Los Angeles on his spring break. After a couple of minutes Thomas found

5 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 493 Kala's website. He entered his contact information and he entered some information about what he wanted to talk to her about onto the website page. Soon there was a beeping sound from a call that was coming into the

6 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 494 video chat program on Thomas' computer from Kala. When he answered the call he could see Kala on the right side of his screen and he could see himself on the left. A very friendly voice

7 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 495 said, "Hello, Thomas, it is good to see you again." (Thomas and Kala are people who are real for the purposes of this story but who are not in real life).

8 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 496 "Thomas", said Kala, "I can see from the information that you entered onto the website page that you wanted to talk to me about something that was discussed tonight when you and your friend Dan visited Pastor Ron.

9 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 497 I remember you telling me about Pastor Ron during the online video chat session that we had a few weeks ago and I would be glad to add any insights that I might have

10 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 498 about what you, Dan and Pastor Ron were talking about tonight." "Kala", said Thomas, "tonight Dan and I went out to Pastor Ron's church and we spent about a half hour about what you, Dan and Pastor Ron were talking about tonight." "Kala", said Thomas, "tonight Dan and I went out to Pastor Ron's church and we spent about a half hour

11 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 499 talking to him about some spiritual things that Dan and I have been discussing recently. By the way, Kala, Dan told me that he did an online video chat session with you last week and that he really appreciated the insights

12 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 500 that you gave to him about things of a spiritual nature. I think that because of the fact that Dan is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable (and has had some of his spiritual energy stolen from him by people

13 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 501 who have taken advantage of him) it is harder for Dan to understand things of a spiritual nature than it is for most other people."

14 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 502 Thomas thought for a moment and then continued, "Pastor Ron discussed three different types of spiritual topics with us earlier tonight but there is one subject in particular that I found very interesting and that I would

15 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 503 like to get your insights on. Pastor Ron explained how most of us have been in situations where we were going through a hard time and then we were very disappointed when the

16 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 504 people around us (who we hoped would encourage us during our time of trouble) actually seemed to be happy about our misfortune (thereby making our pain even worse). When a family is going through a hard time

17 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 505 (such as a death in the family or a financial set back) and a new family member comes along, there is a danger that some of the more aggressive and unkind members of the community that the family is involved in will start to put

18 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 506 increased amounts of pressure on the family in an effort to hurt the family at a time when they are down and vulnerable. Some families can handle this type of pressure and humiliation

19 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 507 better than others, but it is not easy for anyone to feel negative spiritual energy coming into them from members of their community when they feel that those people should be trying to

20 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 508 help them in their time of difficulty. When a family is pressured in this sort of a way and a new member is born into the family, there is a danger that the family will transfer the negative spiritual energy that is coming into

21 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 509 them from the members of their community that are pressuring the family to the new family member. It is Pastor Ron's belief that there are quite a few spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people whose birth might

22 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 510 have occurred at a time that was not convenient for their family. Because of this fact (and because the family decided to put the blame on the new member of the family) the new family member developed a reputation in

23 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 511 their community as being a person who liked to hurt other people because it was believed that their birth hurt their family. If their birth caused more problems for their father than for their mother, they might get

24 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 512 a reputation for (or be spiritually branded as) a person who likes to hurt other men. If their birth caused more problems for their mother than for their father,

25 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 513 they might get a reputation for (or be spiritually branded as) a person who likes to hurt women. Pastor Ron told Dan that if this was the situation that Dan was born into, then this reputation (or spiritual branding) that was given to

26 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 514 him by the community that he was a part of would have followed him as he went through school and would have also followed him later on when he started his working life. Pastor Ron then gave Dan an example to

27 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 515 explain in somewhat simple terms what might be going on between Dan and other people spiritually if Dan developed a reputation early in life as someone who likes to hurt other people. At this point

28 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 516 Pastor Ron said to him, "Dan, try to picture in your mind that when you are talking to another person, you are sending them spiritual energy. You have some conscious control over

29 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 517 this spiritual energy (which we will call personal spiritual energy). Let's say that you also send the person who you are talking to a more subconscious type of spiritual energy. This spiritual energy is being relayed by your

30 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 518 community through you to the person who you are talking to. This spiritual energy (which we will call group spiritual energy) is comprised of the combined spiritual energy of the people who you knew when you

31 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 519 were growing up (or your community). If your community came to a consensus that you like to hurt other people, it would be hard for you to be effective at sending positive spiritual energy to other people

32 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 520 because while you were sending positive spiritual energy to the other person consciously, that other person would also be picking up subconscious vibrations from you that were made

33 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 521 up of the negative group spiritual energy that was being relayed by your community through you to that other person. This negative group spiritual energy would communicate

34 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 522 to the other person that you are someone who likes to hurt other people.”

35 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 523 In the illustration below the person on the left (Person A) is sending positive personal spiritual energy and positive group spiritual energy to the person on the right (Person B) Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

36 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 524 In the illustration below the person on the left (Person A) is sending positive personal spiritual energy and negative group spiritual energy to the person on the right (Person B) Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

37 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 525 After hearing this Kala said, "Thomas, Pastor Ron's idea about how a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person might be sending conflicting signals to the people he meets

38 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 526 (positive signals from himself and negative signals relayed by his community through him) is very interesting, but I would like to add something to Pastor Ron's example.

39 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 527 In Pastor Ron's example the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person sends negative spiritual energy that is relayed by his community through him to the people who he meets. This negative

40 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 528 spiritual energy tells them that he likes to hurt other people. He has been spiritually branded by his community as being a person who likes to hurt other people because his birth took place

41 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 529 at a time that was not convenient for his family and because the family put the blame onto the new family member."

42 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 530 "Thomas, what I think we should look at is what happens when a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person who has been given a negative spiritual branding starts to

43 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 531 form relationships with other people. When the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person meets another person and that other person sees that the vulnerable person has been spiritually branded as

44 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 532 someone who likes to hurt other people, it will be natural for that other person to think that they will be able to form a relationship with him (or her) if they are also someone who likes to hurt other people. But when the

45 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 533 relationship comes to an end, the person who developed the relationship with the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person will come to the conclusion that he not only likes to hurt other people but

46 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 534 also that he likes to confuse other people. They will come to this conclusion because they are confused about why their relationship with him did not work out. It will not occur to them that the problem might be with the vulnerable

47 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 535 person's spiritual branding (that maybe he is not really someone who likes to hurt other people). This person who just ended their relationship with the vulnerable person will now add something new to the

48 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 536 vulnerable person's spiritual branding. They will add to his spiritual branding that he also likes to confuse other people. Now when he meets a new person his community will relay through him to that new person that he likes to

49 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 537 hurt other people and that he also likes to confuse other people. At this point it will be natural for another new person who meets him (someone who likes to both hurt other people and confuse other people)

50 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 538 to think that they will be able to form a relationship with him. When that relationship eventually comes to an end that new person will also add something new to the spiritual branding of

51 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 539 the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person. At this point, when the vulnerable person meets a new person he will still be sending them positive personal spiritual energy but he will now be sending them

52 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 540 two different types of negative group spiritual energy that are being relayed by his community through him to the people who he meets. The first type of negative group spiritual energy that he will be

53 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 541 sending gives the new person who he meets the group's spiritual consensus that he likes to hurt other people. The second type of negative group spiritual energy gives to the new person who he meets the

54 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 542 group spiritual consensus of all of the people who he has had relationships with since he started out his life spiritually branded as a person who likes to hurt other people."

55 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 543 In the illustration below we see how Person A personally sends out positive personal spiritual energy to other people but also sends out negative group spiritual energy (the negative group spiritual energy is being relayed by his community through Person A to every new person who he meets). Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

56 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 544 Person A’s birth took place at a time that was inconvenient for his family. Due to the fact that his family decided to place the blame for their problems on Person A, his community developed a spiritual consensus (or spiritual branding) that said he was someone who likes to hurt other people. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

57 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 545 When Person A’s community sends negative spiritual energy through Person A to the people who he meets, the spiritual energy that the other person receives communicates to them that Person A is someone who likes to hurt other people. When Person A’s community sends negative spiritual energy through Person A to the people who he meets, the spiritual energy that the other person receives communicates to them that Person A is someone who likes to hurt other people. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy

58 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 546 As we see in the following illustration, Person A might start to develop relationships with people who like to hurt other people. It will be natural for them to think that they will be able to form a relationship with Person A because he has been spiritually branded as a person who likes to hurt other people. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy

59 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 547 When Person B meets Person A she notices that she has two characteristics in common with him (“Likes to hurt [other people]” and “Likes Clarity”) When Person B meets Person A she notices that she has two characteristics in common with him (“Likes to hurt [other people]” and “Likes Clarity”) Spiritual Branding for Person A Spiritual Branding for Person B

60 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 548 When Person B’s relationship with Person A comes to an end, Person B will come to the conclusion that Person A likes to not only hurt other people but also likes to confuse other people. She will come to this conclusion because she will be confused as to why her relationship with him did not work out. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy

61 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 549 When Person B becomes confused about why her relationship with Person A did not work out and she comes to the conclusion that Person A must like to confuse other people, it will not occur to her that the problem might be his spiritual branding (maybe he is not really someone who likes to hurt other people). Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy

62 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 550 Person B will now add something new to Person A’s spiritual branding. Person B will add to Person A’s spiritual branding the fact that he likes to confuse other people. Now people who meet Person A will think that he likes to hurt other people and that he likes to confuse other people. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy

63 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 551 At this point Person A is still sending out positive personal spiritual energy to the people who he meets and he is still sending negative group spiritual energy that is being sent by his community through him to the people who he meets. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

64 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 552 But now Person A is sending two different types of negative group spiritual energy to the people who he meets. First, he is sending to other people the negative group spiritual energy that was originally relayed by his community to the people who he met. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

65 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 553 This first type of negative group spiritual energy sent to other people is the community’s consensus (or spiritual branding) that Person A likes to hurt other people. The second type of negative group spiritual energy is somewhat similar to the first. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

66 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 554 The second type of negative group spiritual energy sent to the people who Person A meets is the group spiritual consensus of the people who he has had relationships with since he started his life spiritually branded as a person who likes to hurt other people. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

67 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 555 In the following illustration when Person C meets Person A she will pick up the negative group spiritual energy that is being relayed by Person A’s community to the people who he meets and she will also pick up Person B’s ideas about Person A. In the following illustration when Person C meets Person A she will pick up the negative group spiritual energy that is being relayed by Person A’s community to the people who he meets and she will also pick up Person B’s ideas about Person A. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

68 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 556 When Person C meets Person A she notices that she has two characteristics in common with him (“Likes to hurt [other people]” and “Likes to confuse”) When Person C meets Person A she notices that she has two characteristics in common with him (“Likes to hurt [other people]” and “Likes to confuse”) Spiritual Branding for Person A Spiritual Branding for Person C

69 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 557 Person B’s impression that Person A likes to confuse other people became part of Person A’s spiritual branding. When Person C’s relationship with Person A comes to an end, her impressions will also become a part of Person A’s spiritual branding. Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Indicates a positive type of spiritual energy Indicates a negative type of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Personal exchange of spiritual energy Group exchange of spiritual energy Person APerson B

70 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 558 "To sum it up", said Kala, "I think that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people such as Dan should try to communicate to their subconscious minds that they are aware that they may be unintentionally sending

71 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 559 out two types of negative spiritual messages that are being relayed by their community through them to the people who they meet. The first type of negative spiritual message gives the other person the

72 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 560 impression that they like to hurt other people. The second type of negative spiritual message gives the other person the group consensus of all of the people who the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

73 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 561 person has had a relationship with since they started their life spiritually branded as a person who likes to hurt other people. I think that Dan should try to communicate to his subconscious mind that he will try to be as positive as

74 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 562 possible with the people who he deals with on a conscious level and perhaps he should also, with insight into the situation, ask his subconscious mind to try to override some of the

75 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 563 negative spiritual vibrations that are being relayed by his community through him to the people who he meets and try to turn some of those negative spiritual vibrations

76 The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 564 Copyright 2011 Don Bergquist into positive spiritual vibrations."

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