KENDA ALBERTSON Formal Peer Review Processes for Software and Documents.

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Presentation on theme: "KENDA ALBERTSON Formal Peer Review Processes for Software and Documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 KENDA ALBERTSON Formal Peer Review Processes for Software and Documents

2 What is a peer review? Definition according to Merriam-Webster: a process by which something proposed (as for research or publication) is evaluated by a group of experts in the appropriate field

3 Purpose of Peer Reviews Find and record defects before a document is released or code is integrated Receive input from many product experts and stakeholders

4 Who is Involved? Author Moderator Product Experts / Stakeholders / Reviewers Recorder (Meetings) Quality Assurance

5 Process Prepare the Review Send Review Notice Hold a Meeting to Discuss Findings (optional) Change Product Based on Recommendations Release Product

6 Prepare the Review Author  Prepares the material for the review package Moderator  Reviews material for readiness  Identifies product experts and stakeholders to invite as reviewers  Send review notice to reviewers  Ensures reviewers have enough time to review Reviewers  Review the product  Record time spent

7 Hold a Meeting Moderator  Conducts the meeting Author  Answers questions about the product Reviewers  Present defects in the material Recorder  Records defects  Records review time for each reviewer

8 Fix Product Author  Fixes product based on recommendations Moderator  Verifies fixes to product

9 Role of Quality Assurance Supervises process Reviews the document Collects review metrics to track effectiveness

10 Useful Metrics Review Time Meeting Length Number of Defects Found Types of Defects (Minor, Major, etc.)

11 Tools for Reviews Defect Tracking System (Bugzilla) Excel Spreadsheet Checklists Tools Built in to Editors or IDE  Microsoft Word - tracked changes  IBM Rational - CodeCollaborator

12 CodeCollaborator

13 Conclusion Peer Reviews are very useful for finding defects earlier in the process Peer Reviews are more effective when:  Correct stakeholders are included  Reviewers are given adequate time Important to collect metrics to evaluate effectiveness

14 Questions?

15 References 11 proven practices for more effective, efficient peer code review. Cohen, Jason. ry/11-proven-practices-for-peer-review/ ry/11-proven-practices-for-peer-review/ Merriam-Webster Online. http://www.merriam-

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