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MOTION THE LAWS OF NEWTON Ostmann Science Kate Bond Middle School.

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1 MOTION THE LAWS OF NEWTON Ostmann Science Kate Bond Middle School

2 In Newtons lingua… 1.Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon. 2.The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed. 3.To every action there is always opposed an equal and opposite reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.


4 NEWTON’S SECOND LAW F = m x a OR How quickly an object changes speed depends on it’s mass and the magnitude of the force acting on it. a = F / m The second law is an equation that relates force, mass, and acceleration. Mass stayed the same Force got smaller

5 NEWTONS THIRD LAW For every action... …there is as an equal and opposite… …REACTION. The third law in SPACESPACE

6 MASS VS. WEIGHT WEIGHT A measurement of an object’s force. Whose mass is greater, the man on the earth or the moon? TRICK QUESTION! YOUR MASS IS THE SAME ON THE MOON AS IT IS ON EARTH. MASS A measurement of how much matter an object has.

7 Speed vs. Velocity Velocity = 0 m/s Speed = 17.08 m/s Same start and end point = didn’t go anywhere Horse won the race by traveling 17.08meter/second over 10 meters Displacement Distance

8 SPEED Describes how fast an object is moving. Describes how fast an object is moving.


10 MOMENTUM VELOCITY = (MASS) X (VELOCITY) The larger the mass, the greater the momentum The greater the velocity, the greater the momentum. The force an object has due to it’s movement. Object must be moving. VELOCITY

11 Laws of Motion: RAP RAP HOMEWORK: Write your own song, rap, poem or story about Newton’s Laws of Motion. Your composition must include the following: 1.Explanation of Law 1 2.Example of Law 1 from everyday life 3.Explanation of Law 2 ( must include the equation F=m*a) 4.Example of Law 2 from everyday life 5.Explanation of Law 3 6.Example of Law 3 from everyday life DUE: TOMORROW!

12 Case Study: Luciano’s Pound Puppies Circus Physics DOGS QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHILE WATCHING THE VIDEO 1.What forces do you see in the video? 2.Why does the dog slide down the slide? 3.Which of Newton's Laws applies when the dog jumps off of Luciano? 4.What is an example of Newton's First Law? 5.What is an example of Newton's Third Law? HOMEWORK:

13 Digging Deeper: Newton’s 1 st law QUESTION: Why doesn’t the dog fall to the ground while he leaps through the hoop? HE HAS INERTIA Gravity Uninterrupted forward force The dog will keep moving until a force like gravity pulls him down. Gravity pulls on the dog at a constant rate downward.

14 Digging Deeper: Newton’s 2 nd Law To find the dog's acceleration, we can use Newton's 2nd Law: Net Force = Mass x Acceleration OR "F = ma". The dog’s net force pulls him down the slide. How fast is his acceleration as he slides down?

15 Digging Deeper: Newton’s 3 rd Law Lucky the dog jumps off of Luciano, causing Lucky to momentarily accelerate horizontally at 2.45 m/s 2. If the dog has a mass of 15 kg and Luciano has a mass of 80 kg, what horizontal acceleration does Luciano feel? HINTs: Luciano and the dog experience the same force. F = ma M = 80kg a = ? m = 15 kg A = 2.45 m/s 2 M x a = m x A (80kg)a = (15kg)(2.45m/s 2 ) a = (15kg)(2.45m/s 2 ) 80kg

16 Journal Assessment Write a paragraph summarizing this presentation. Your summary must be at least TEN sentences long to get full credit. Use your notes to help you remember the concepts addressed in the presentation. Remember to include introductory and conclusion sentences. If you are confused about a topic, write your question in the summary.

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