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High-throughput, flourescent-based optimisation of eukaryotic membrane protein overexpression and purification. Simon Newstead, Joy Kim, Gunnar von Heijne,

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Presentation on theme: "High-throughput, flourescent-based optimisation of eukaryotic membrane protein overexpression and purification. Simon Newstead, Joy Kim, Gunnar von Heijne,"— Presentation transcript:

1 High-throughput, flourescent-based optimisation of eukaryotic membrane protein overexpression and purification. Simon Newstead, Joy Kim, Gunnar von Heijne, So Iwata, David Drew

2 Eukaryotic membrane proteins Eukaryotic membrane proteins are difficult to produce in large quantities > 1mg. Important to obtain structural information. Currently only three structures in the PDB from heterologous overexpression –Potassium Channel, Spinach Aquaporin, Ca 2+ ATPase. We needed to develop a cost effective, high- throughput approach to screening in our group. Developed a GFP-based fusion system, in combination with SEC to screen 43 eukaryotic MPs.

3 Questions that needed addressing: 1.Can the target protein be expressed to high levels > 1mg/ml? 2.Is the protein stable? 3.Can we optimise the expression? 4.What is the quality of the protein? 5.Which detergents should be used to extract and set up crystal screens? 6.Shortest time possible!

4 Drew, D, Nordlund, P, von Heijne, G, de Gier, JW. FEBS Lett (2001) GFP: Proven membrane protein folding indicator in E. coli

5 Daley DO, Rapp, M, Granseth, E, Melen, K, Drew, D, von Heijne, G (2005) Science GFP: Used to monitor expression of E. coli inner membrane proteome

6 Drew, D, Lerch, M, Slotboom, D, Kunji, E, de Gier, JW. (2006). Nature Methods GFP: Is stable in standard SDS-PAGE and replaces western blotting

7 S. cerevisiae overexpression screen strategy Q1: Does the target protein express well?

8 Best strain vs promoter combination established by testing expression of 88 yeast transport proteins

9 Expression estimate in yeast whole-cells correlates well with estimate in membranes

10 Yeast cell suspensionAdd glass beads and break In tissue lyser for 10 minutes Spin in table-top centrifuge for 1 hour Suspend crude membranes and measure fluorescence Run standard SDS-PAGEIn-gel fluorescence S. cerevisiae overexpression screen strategy Q2: Is the target protein stable?

11 In-gel fluorescence of crude membranes to verify stability

12 In gel flourescence correlates very well to fluorescence in the membranes

13 S. cerevisiae overexpression screen strategy Q3: Can we improve the overexpression further?

14 Good correlation when scaled up to fermenters.

15 S. cerevisiae overexpression screen strategy Q4: How is the quality of the protein under expression conditions?

16 Kawate, T, Gouaux, E (2006). Structure S. cerevisiae overexpression screen strategy Q5: How is quality of the protein with different detergents ?


18 Use less than 1% of sample to screen detergent

19 GFP-based detergent screen to measure extraction efficiency

20 Some examples:


22 Summary. Based on the expression of 43 Eukaryotic membrane proteins we present a cost effective high throughput approach to screening. We find that 70 % of the well expressed MPs tested in this system are stable, targeted to the correct organelle and monodisperse in either FC-12 or DDM. We hope to get some of our targets into crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. Soluble proteins could be screened just as effectively.

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