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The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea… Fact or Fiction? By: Payton Seelinger By: Payton Seelinger.

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Presentation on theme: "The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea… Fact or Fiction? By: Payton Seelinger By: Payton Seelinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea… Fact or Fiction? By: Payton Seelinger By: Payton Seelinger

2 What is tea? Camellia sinensis

3 History of Tea  Discovered in 1 st millennium B.C.  Brought to America by Peter Stuyvesant  Chinese Emperor Shen Nung

4 Picture representing the Camellia family in the Doctrine of Signatures

5 Variety of Tea  Black Tea  Green Tea  Oolong Tea  White Tea

6 The Process of Making Tea  Pick best leaves as buds and young leafs buds and young leafs  Withering  Rolling  Roll Breaking  Oxidation (Fermentation)  Drying


8 Benefits of Drinking Tea  Black Tea  Green Tea  Oolong Tea  White Tea

9 Benefits of Drinking Black Tea  Reduces Blood Cholesterol  Saves arteries  Sooths arthritis  Stimulates the immune system  Breaks down fat in the body  Inhibits cancer growth.  Reduces inflammation.  Fights viruses.

10 Benefits of Drinking Green Tea  Lowers the Risk of:  High blood cholesterol  High blood pressure.  Coronary heart disease and strokes  Tooth decay  Viruses  Lung, stomach, esophagus, duodenum, pancreas, liver, breast, colon, and skin cancers induced by chemical carcinogens

11 Benefits of Drinking Oolong Tea  reduced the signs of inflammatory disease and artery disease.

12 Benefits of Drinking White Tea  Reduce blood sugar  Help prevent the symptoms of diabetes  Promotes Healthy Teeth and Gums  Promotes Healthy Skin  Antibacterial & Antiviral  Strengthens Bones  Heart Protection  Lower Blood Pressure  Lower Cholesterol  Reduces risk of Cancer

13 Antioxidants in Tea  Tea is a great source of anti-oxidants, which help defend the body from:  Free Radicals  Heart Disease  Cancer  Plaque in the mouth

14 Drawbacks of drinking tea:  Black Tea  Green Tea  Oolong Tea  White Tea

15 Quick Fact:  Coffee has over 2x the amount of caffeine as any kind of tea  Herbal Tea is actually not a tea at all

16 Tea VS. Coffee  Coffee increased the risk for health declining factors such as coronary morbidity  Tea had the opposite affect, and was beneficial to the body.  In the liquid form, Coffee has more caffeine than tea.

17 Caffeine in Tea  Determined By:  Variety of tea leaf  Where the leaf is grown  The size and cut of leaf  How you brew the tea leaf

18 Caffeine in Tea Type of Tea Avg. per Serving Range Per Ounce Caffeine Black4025-555 Naturally caffeinated Oolong3012-553.75 Naturally caffeinated but less than black Green208-302.5 Naturally caffeinated but less than oolong White156-252 Naturally caffeinated but less than black Decaffeinated21-4.5 Caused by removing the caffeine from the tea Herbal “Tea” 000 Naturally Caffeine Free

19 BOH Plantations  1 st highland tea garden in Malaysia  Plants, processes, packs and markets its own premium brands.

20 Sources  4b5dc2b0cda00a&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha       

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