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Getting it right for e ery child  Getting it right for every child Implementation, the proposed Bill and the role of the Third Sector Gareth Allen, The.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting it right for e ery child  Getting it right for every child Implementation, the proposed Bill and the role of the Third Sector Gareth Allen, The."— Presentation transcript:

1 getting it right for e ery child  Getting it right for every child Implementation, the proposed Bill and the role of the Third Sector Gareth Allen, The Third Sector Unit Mike Mawby, The Better Life Chances Unit John MacDonald CVS, Falkirk and District

2 getting it right for e ery child  Setting the Scene This session aims to: Help you discuss what the proposals and proposed Bill might mean for you Consider what the role of the third sector is in implementation Identify the opportunities and challenges to involvement

3 getting it right for e ery child  What We Want To See Happen Quicker flow of relevant quality information for an appropriate reason and with consent wherever possible; Increased trust among professionals; Children and families more engaged + understand better the who, the what and the why – and their respective roles; Prevention work being undertake: effective evidence based interventions especially but not exclusively in early years; Children not falling out of our radar (national + local need); Reduced bureaucracy for children and families/resources released; Outcomes focused planning and review; Rights made real for children and young people.

4 getting it right for e ery child  GIRFEC Programme Board Five Key Implementation Priorities Identifying a Named Person for every child and young person in the universal services; Identifying protocols and governance for Lead Professional; Supporting partnerships to take a proportionate approach to managing all concerns and risks; Redesign business processes to secure a single planning process for all children and young people supporting a single plan; Ensuring the use of the National Practice Model.

5 getting it right for e ery child  Ministers’ Aspirations for Children’s Services Effective early years support Prevention and early intervention Supporting parents effectively Delivered child centred support and services Recognising the rights of children and young people

6 getting it right for e ery child  So What is Proposed in Legislation? Arrangements to be put in place for every child to have a named person; Obligation to work to improve wellbeing (defined); Arrangements to be put in place to support a single planning process and one child’s Plan; Duty on all public service to cooperate to improve wellbeing; Duty to report on how children’s outcomes are being improved.


8 getting it right for e ery child  Joint Training ‘Locally Available Services’ and ‘Centrally Co-ordinated Services ’ CENTRAL HUB Access to Out of Authority Services Monitor Commission Central Services Research Access To Centrally Coordinated Services Joint Training LOCALITIES MAG x 6 EARLY INTERVENTION Education Social Work Police Health CLD Voluntary sector Churches Ed Psych Housing SDS

9 getting it right for e ery child  The proposed national project A scoping group involving Voluntary Action Scotland is developing proposals for a national project to strengthen the contribution of the third sector to improving outcomes for children and young people through GIRFEC, particularly through local partnership working. With the announcement of the Early Years and Early Intervention Change Programme, the focus of the proposals has been expanded to encompass supporting the third sector’s contribution to the change programme at a local level.

10 getting it right for e ery child  The proposed national project What might be provided: Model good practice at CPP level Share learning Provide practical support to Third Sector interfaces Your involvement is crucial.

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