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 From Stillwater Oklahoma  Have an Associate Degree from NOC  Have a cat named Smokey  Like watching sports like football, baseball, etc.  Graduated.

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Presentation on theme: " From Stillwater Oklahoma  Have an Associate Degree from NOC  Have a cat named Smokey  Like watching sports like football, baseball, etc.  Graduated."— Presentation transcript:


2  From Stillwater Oklahoma  Have an Associate Degree from NOC  Have a cat named Smokey  Like watching sports like football, baseball, etc.  Graduated from Broken Arrow High School

3  Graduate with Bachelors Degree at Oklahoma State University  Be a Elementary or Kindergarten teacher  Try to get a summer internship  Try to complete the steps to become teacher certified  Stay in Stillwater or Leave Stillwater after graduation

4  Go out to eat  Visit friends  Go to football and Basketball games  Play with my cat  Watch television shows like American Idol, NCIS, Big Brother, Chicago Fire, Tonight Show with Jay Leno

5  Become a certified teacher  Teach elementary or kindergarten kids  Work with kids who have a disability  Help kids learn better than what they are learning today  Be an teacher’s aid by helping teach, grade, or work closely with her  Work on getting Bachelor's degree

6  Surf Internet  Type essays or word documents in Microsoft Word  E-mail my professors or friends  Check my e-mail everyday  Check my grades everyday  Posting things for my online classes

7  Love about technology: o Typing stuff like a word document or essay o Surfing the Internet or checking my grades o Playing games like spider solitaire or pyramid  Hate about technology: o When it crashes and goes out completely o When it stops doing something completely o When the screen goes black and does nothing

8  Make PowerPoint's fun and interesting for my students to learn better  Use overhead projector to play games that correspond to the lecture so students interact more  Make discussions fun by making a game that corresponds to what I am teaching  Showing videos that relate to what the lecture is covering to make learning more for the students

9  Using an overhead projector  Sending an e-mail to a professor  Posting something like a word document on D2L  Putting a picture image on a PowerPoint or Word Document  Copying or pasting something on a PowerPoint or Word Document

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