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1 Ad Hoc Query & Reporting Project Overview. 2 Project Goals Provides user community with robust “Ad-Hoc” Query & Reporting tool Complements and enhances.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ad Hoc Query & Reporting Project Overview. 2 Project Goals Provides user community with robust “Ad-Hoc” Query & Reporting tool Complements and enhances."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ad Hoc Query & Reporting Project Overview

2 2 Project Goals Provides user community with robust “Ad-Hoc” Query & Reporting tool Complements and enhances IMPACII DB Pilot Implementation in Fall 2001

3 3 Two Threads Pre- Programmed Reports. Provide OLTP users with the ability to manipulate data on existing reports. Query and reporting for “Power-users” Provide users ability to run queries and reports against OLTP & IRDB

4 4 Technology Business Intelligence –Transforming data into knowledge Four leaders in the BI field –Hummingbird, COGNOS –Business Objects & ORACLE Analytic Reporting –Decision Support Solution

5 5 Decision Support Drill down through increasing levels of detail Analyze Data for trends Congressional Reporting Ability to extract and report quickly

6 6 Procedures Finished with Proof-of-Concept Will begin 90 day Evaluation period Tech Support from companies Q & R Team will make recommendation to Era Project on what tool to implement

7 7 Team Carol Martin (GA) Krishna Collie (A) Sherry Zucker James Tucker Andrew Greenleaf Mark Parker Natasha Globus Vish Kalippian Richard Somwaru

8 8 Project Schedule Requirements, Evaluation & Implementation JanFebMarAprMayJunJulySepOctNovDec Requirements Analysis Evaluation Period Implementation

9 9 Current Status On-Schedule to recommend and implement tool Fall 2001 –Monthly Project meetings (July) –Setting up testing Areas –Final Review of Evaluation Criteria

10 10 Manipulating Pre-Programmed Reports in the NIH Data Warehouse Hummingbird

11 11 From report menu, select report

12 12 Respond to prompts

13 13 From List of Values, select IC

14 14 Wait while query runs

15 15 Results displayed in pre-programmed report

16 16 Report format can be manipulated by user - Left click in report area to change

17 17

18 18 User can reorder columns

19 19 User can change column header labels and font

20 20 User can change borders appearance of data display

21 21 Report specs can be saved

22 22 To export data to Excel, select ‘Show Results’ from Report Menu

23 23 Click in upper left cell to ‘Select All’

24 24 From Edit menu, select ‘Copy’ (or use Ctrl ‘c’)

25 25 Invoke Excel, then paste

26 26

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