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Introduction An introduction to the software and organization of the Internet Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction An introduction to the software and organization of the Internet Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction An introduction to the software and organization of the Internet Lab.

2 Internet Lab GNS3 network simulation software The labs will use virtual PCs, Ethernet hubs and switches and Cisco 2611 routers The labs will also use Wireshark Traffic Capture and Analyzer software (and for Macs X11 is also required)

3 The Lab Equipment PCs are labeled as: PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4….. First few labs will use the embedded virtual PCs in GNS3 - VPCS to simulate the PCs in the lab exercises. In later labs we will introduce VirtualBox and Virtual PCs. Routers are labeled: Router1, Router2, Router3, Router4….. Routers run Cisco IOS 12.0 or a later version. Hubs and Ethernet switches are all embedded in GNS3.

4 Lab Sequence

5 Core Labs Lab 1 – Introduction to the Internet Lab Overview of the Internet Lab Software. Lab 2 – Single Segment IP Networks Configuring a network interface for IP networking; address resolution with ARP; security problems of common Internet applications. Traffic capture Lab 3 – Static routing IP forwarding and routing between IP networks; setup a Linux PC and a Cisco router as an IP router; manual configuration of routing tables. Lab 4 – Dynamic Routing Protocols Routing protocols RIP, OSPF and BGP; count-to-infinity problem in RIP; hierarchical routing in OSPF; setup of autonomous systems in BGP. Lab 5 – Transport Protocols: UDP and TCP Data transmissions with TCP and UDP; TCP connection management; TCP flow control; retransmissions in TCP; TCP congestion control.

6 Advanced Labs Lab 6 – LAN switching LAN switching in Ethernet networks; forwarding of Ethernet frames between LAN switches/bridges; spanning tree protocol for loop free routing between interconnected LANs. Lab 7 - NAT and DHCP Setup of a private network; dynamic assignment of IP addresses with DHCP. Lab 8 – Domain Name System Domain name resolution with DNS; name server hierarchy; setup of a DNS root server. Lab 9 – SNMP Network management with SNMP; SNMP agents and SNMP managers; Security features of different versions of SNMP. Lab 10 – IP Multicast Multicast group management with IGMP; IP multicast forwarding; Multicast routing protocols PIM-SM and PIM-DM.

7 Structure of the Labs Each lab has three phases: a prelab, a lab session, and a lab analysis. Pre-laboratory Assignment (Prelab) –Exercises to be completed in advance of the associated lab session. The prelabs ask you to acquire background knowledge that is needed during the lab exercises. It is recommended that you attempt each before the corresponding lab session. Lab Session –Lab exercises are performed on the GNS3 software. All lab exercises can be completed without supervision. The time to complete a lab session should be three hours on the average, but may vary. Complete the laboratory activities to the extent that you can. The activities during the lab session are not graded Lab Analysis –At the end of most lab exercises are a series of questions. It is recommended that you answer the questions using the data you collected whilst running the exercises. The lab quizzes will be based on the information you have learnt in your lab sessions.

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