Microsoft Business Intelligence Gustavo Santade Business Intelligence Project Manager Improving Business Insight Building a cube using Analysis Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Business Intelligence Gustavo Santade Business Intelligence Project Manager Improving Business Insight Building a cube using Analysis Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Business Intelligence Gustavo Santade Business Intelligence Project Manager Improving Business Insight Building a cube using Analysis Services

2 People Drive Business Outcomes

3 The New World Of Work One world of business Always on, always connected Transparent organization Simplify working together Find info and improve business insight Secure and manage content Workplace Trends Role of Software

4 Business Intelligence Improving business insight “A broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, sharing and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.” – Gartner

5 Business Intelligence Adoption Challenges Sources: - Gartner: The Business Intelligence Market Trends and Directions, 2006 Users lack necessary skills TCO is high Difficult to learn and use

6 PerformanceManagement Reporting and Analysis DataWarehousing Improving organizations by providing business insights to all employees leading to better, faster, more relevant decisions Microsoft Business Intelligence Improving business insight

7 Secured, Well-Managed Infrastructure Business Productivity Infrastructure Streamline the way people do business with 2007 Office system Business Intelligence Enterprise Content Management Workflow Search Business Data Catalog Extensible UI Open XML File Formats Website And Security Framework Unified Communications And Collaboration

8 Performance Management Integrated solution to align and measure the business Improve corporate performance Scorecards to orient measurement to corporate goals Single model to align planning and analysis to the business process Span the organization with planning and measurement capabilities Accelerate management decision making Office Performance Point Server to integrate scorecarding, analysis and planning Integrated workflow for simpler consolidation and reporting Common model for planning used in analysis Enable collaborative analysis Integration with Office Excel for broad deployment of analysis capabilities Personalized scorecards and KPIs for individual views Collaborative environment with context for analysis

9 Analyze information with powerful and familiar tools New Office Excel Pivot Tables for analyzing information using business terms Tight integration between Office Excel and Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services ProClarity for additional advanced analysis and visualization capabilities Enabling end-users with ad hoc reporting capabilities Report Builder for ad hoc reporting of relational or OLAP data Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services for personalized views of management data ProClarity for personalization of reports and briefing books Share reports and analysis over the web Excel Services for web based viewing of analysis Scorecards and dashboards for quickly disseminating information Report Center for centralized report management and repository Reporting and Analysis Broad reach tools for insight

10 Data Warehousing Centrally managed, integrated, single version of the truth Integrate information from disparate sources Access corporate data in a heterogeneous environment Cleanse and transform data with high performance Ensure high quality data Store and manage vast amounts of detail data Maintain high performance for multiple users with varying workloads Tap multiple terabytes of atomic data for analysis Access granular and aggregate data for reporting Analyze information with an integrated view of your business Proactive Caching for real time analysis A centrally managed KPI engine for usage across the business Data mining for predictive analytics to determine what “will” happen

11 Improving organizations by providing business insights to all employees leading to better, faster, more relevant decisions D rive pervasive business performance Implement a complete and integrated business intelligence solution Deliver widespread intelligence through Microsoft Office Meet enterprise needs with affordable economics Microsoft Business Intelligence

12 Office SharePoint Server 2007 SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 Integration Services SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services BIPlatform PerformanceManagementApplications Microsoft Business Intelligence An end-to-end integrated offering SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Office Excel 2007 Business Scorecard Manager 2005 ProClarity Analytics 6 PerformancePoint Server 2007

13 Demo

14 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION

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