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LIGHTING THE WAY Section Vocabulary Energy- the ability to do work or cause a change in matter Electromagnetic radiation- energy in the form of waves.

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3 Section Vocabulary Energy- the ability to do work or cause a change in matter Electromagnetic radiation- energy in the form of waves coming from excited electric changes. Visible Light- type of electromagnetic radiation that we can see

4 The Sun The Sun’s rays provide the Earth with light and heat which are both forms of energy. The Sun, a star, generates most of the Earth’s natural light. Even moonlight is just the moon’s reflection of the Sun’s rays.

5 The Sun The Sun gives off huge amounts of energy that travels to Earth through the vacuum of space. This energy is called electromagnetic radiation. There are many kinds of electromagnetic radiation; some you can see and some you can not.

6 Types of Light VisibleNon-Visible Visible light is the type of E.M. radiation that we can see. Example is the light we see!!! Duh…… Visible light is the type of E.M. radiation that we can see. An example is the light we see!!! Duh…… Most types of E.M. are invisible. Some examples are infrared and ultraviolet radiation

7 Infrared Radiation Infrared radiation from the sun causes you to feel warm when you stand in sunlight. Infrared lamps produce heat for personal and industrial use. Now that feels better than saving money!

8 Ultraviolet Ultraviolet light is sometimes also called backlight. It appears dark to us but when this light shines on some materials, they glow and give off visible light.

9 Changes in States of Matter Electromagnetic radiation can cause changes in matter. Sunlight warms the ocean’s waters. Sunlight is transformed into energy when partnered up with solar calculators. It even starts one of the most important chemical reactions on Earth, photosynthesis.

10 Light Bulbs Light bulbs are the most common source of artificial light. However, fire was the first light we were able to control. Fire is a rapid chemical reaction that gives off light. Two important results of burning matter is light and heat.

11 Chemical Reaction Most chemical reactions give off light and produce heat. Thing about the Science Mind Molder….. The battery gave off an electrical charge due to the chemical reaction taken place inside of it. That electrical charge runs through the light bulb creating light and heat energy!

12 Most commonly used A very thin wire, called a filament, caries electricity The wire gets very hot when electricity flows through it making the wire glow Very inefficient!!!!!! Incandescent

13 These bulbs contain a gas that gives off ultraviolet radiation when electricity passes through. Remember!! You can not see UV light. The inside of the bulb is coated with chemicals that glow when UV light strikes it. These bulbs are very efficient Fluorescent

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