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Computer Skills CIS-100 CH 1.

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1 Computer Skills CIS-100 CH 1

2 General Information Computer Skills - 2013 Course Website : Textbook
Eyad Alshareef Course Website : Textbook Computer Skills Textbook Cover

3 Chapter 1: Introduction To Computer
Eyad Alshareef

4 Chapter 1: Introduction To Computer
Eyad Alshareef Definition of Computers. Benefits (functions) of Computers. Computer hardware. Operating systems (their definition and functions). Classification of computers Computer Problems and Viruses Definition of data, information and knowledge.

5 What is Computer A computer is a programmable machine.
Eyad Alshareef A computer is a programmable machine. general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. The first electronic digital computers were developed between 1940 and 1945 in the United Kingdom and United States. See Page # 3

6 A Computer System (Contd.)
In general, a computer is a machine which accepts data, processes it and returns new information as output. Processing Data Information

7 Computer Components Eyad Alshareef Hardware Software

8 Hardware Tangible objects
Eyad Alshareef Tangible objects The actual machinery, wires, transistors, and circuits.

9 Devices that comprise a computer system
Monitor (output) Speaker (output) System unit (processor, memory…) Printer (output) Storage devices (CD-RW, Floppy, Hard disk, zip,…) Mouse (input) Scanner (input) Keyboard (input)

10 Software Eyad Alshareef Computer Programs instructions and data 

11 Central processing Unit Memory Unit Mass storage Unit
Computer Units Eyad Alshareef Input Unit Output Unit Central processing Unit Memory Unit Mass storage Unit See Page # 4

12 Computer Units Eyad Alshareef

13 Computer Hardware Eyad Alshareef

14 Input Unit used to provide data and control signals to a Computer.
Eyad Alshareef used to provide data and control signals to a Computer. Provide data in a form understandable by computer (Computer Language) Main examples Keyboard and mouse

15 Input Unit Keyboard Mouse
Eyad Alshareef Keyboard has characters printed on the keys and each press Different buttons with different types and functions To know Keyboard buttons types see page 8 figure 4. Mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two- dimensional  motion

16 Input Unit Eyad Alshareef

17 Input Unit Sample Questions What is the main purpose of input Unit.
Eyad Alshareef Sample Questions What is the main purpose of input Unit. List 3 examples of Input Devices The main examples of Input devices are One of the following is an example of Input devices

18 Output Unit Eyad Alshareef used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by the processing unit. converts the electronically generated information into human- readable form.

19 Output devices Examples
Eyad Alshareef A monitor  What CRT and LCD stands for? Which type is more familiar these days ? See Page # 9

20 Output devices Examples
Eyad Alshareef 2. Printer transfers data from a computer onto paper Compare between the two main types of printers?

21 Central Processing Unit
Eyad Alshareef CPU known as microprocessor or processor It is responsible for all functions and processes

22 CPU Components The CPU is comprised of three main parts
Eyad Alshareef The CPU is comprised of three main parts ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) Control Unit (CU) Registers: Stores the data that is to be executed next.

23 ALU which executes all arithmetic and logical operations.
Eyad Alshareef which executes all arithmetic and logical operations. Arithmetic calculations like as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Logical operation like compare numbers, letters, or special characters What is the different between Arithmetic and logical operations?

24 Control Unit (CU) controls and co-ordinates computer components.
Eyad Alshareef controls and co-ordinates computer components. Read the code for the next instruction to be executed. Increment the program counter so it points to the next instruction. Read whatever data the instruction requires from cells in memory. Provide the necessary data to an ALU or register. If the instruction requires an ALU or specialized hardware to complete, instruct the hardware to perform the requested operation.

25 Registers Eyad Alshareef Registers are temporary storage areas which are responsible for holding the data that is to be processed. Are very fast storage area

26 Memory Unit Main Memory (Primary) Secondary Memory
Eyad Alshareef Computer Memory is divided into two main types Main Memory (Primary) Secondary Memory See figure 8 Page 13

27 RAM ROM Primary Memory Main Examples of the primary memory are
Eyad Alshareef Main Examples of the primary memory are RAM ROM

28 RAM Stand for Random Access Memory
Eyad Alshareef Stand for Random Access Memory responsible for storing data on a temporary basis. It is volatile memory What volatile means ? Why the RAM is considered As “Random Access”?

29 ROM Stand for Read Only Memory is a permanent form of storage
Eyad Alshareef Stand for Read Only Memory is a permanent form of storage Programmed at manufacturing time

30 Secondary Memory Stores data and programs permanently
Eyad Alshareef Stores data and programs permanently its retained after the power is turned off Main Examples Hard Disk Optical Disk Flash memory

31 Hard Disk Called Disk drive or HDD
Eyad Alshareef Called Disk drive or HDD stores and provides relatively quick access to large amounts of data. Stores data on an electromagnetically charged surface or set of surfaces.

32 Optical Disk & Flash Eyad Alshareef an optical disc drive (ODD) is a disk drive that uses laser light to store data. There are three main types of optical media: CD, DVD, and Blu-ray disc What is CD, DVD, Blu-ray stand for? What is the average capacity for each type?

33 RAM V.s Hard Disk Eyad Alshareef What are the differences between RAM as a main memory and HDD as a Secondary Memory. See Table 2 Page 15

34 Software organized collections of computer data and instructions
Eyad Alshareef organized collections of computer data and instructions two major categories: system software application software

35 System software Known as Operating System
Eyad Alshareef Known as Operating System is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the individual hardware components of a computer system Windows is an example of OS. List 3 other example of System Software?

36 Application Software Eyad Alshareef is used to accomplish specific tasks other than just running the computer system. Two types software package: single program software suite: multiple program

37 System Software V.s Application Software
Eyad Alshareef Compare between System Software and application one based on these factors Definition Examples User Interaction Dependency See Table 3 Page 17 to checkup your answer

38 Computer Languages Eyad Alshareef languages that is used to communicate with computers. Two main Types Machine language Machine language is referred as the binary language machine dependent High level language Easy to write and understand (unlike machine) It was in 1957 that a high level language called FORTRAN was developed by IBM List some examples of High level language?

39 Unit of Measurements - Storage
Eyad Alshareef Storage Units Bit BIT 0 or 1 Byte B 8 bits Kilobyte KB 1024 bytes Megabyte MB 1024 kilobytes Gigabyte GB 1024 megabytes Terabyte TB 1024 gigabytes

40 Unit of Measurements - Storage
Eyad Alshareef Sample Question 3MB equivalent to ___________ Byte A file with size 3GB required __________ CDs to store it Each symbol in a keyboard like ‘A’ required ____________ to store it?

41 Unit of Measurement -Speed
Eyad Alshareef The speed of CPU measured by unit called Hertz (Hz) 1 Hz represent 1 cycle per second. The speed of CPU is known as Computer Speed.

42 Computer Classification
Eyad Alshareef Computers can be classified by size and power to: Personal computer (PCs) Workstation: Minicomputer Mainframe: SuperComputer

43 Computer Classification
Eyad Alshareef Compare between the previous type of computers based on Price Processing Speed Storage Capacity Powerful Single-user or Multi-user Computer Size Companies size

44 Laptop computer is a portable computer.
Eyad Alshareef is a portable computer. personal computer that can be easily carried and used in a variety of locations. run the same software and applications in PCs

45 Laptop computer How is a Laptop Different from a Desktop?
Eyad Alshareef How is a Laptop Different from a Desktop? Touchpad Battery AC Adapter Ports See page 22 for more details

46 Netbook Computer Eyad Alshareef A netbook is a type of laptop that is designed to be even more portable. Cheaper and less powerful  than laptops or desktops. Why its called as Netbook? Compare between laptop size and Netbook size?

47 Mobile Devices Tablet Computers E-Book Readers Smartphones
Eyad Alshareef A mobile device is basically any handheld computer. It is designed to be extremely portable. Some mobile devices are more powerful Types: Tablet Computers E-Book Readers Smartphones

48 Tablet Computers designed to be portable.
Eyad Alshareef designed to be portable. The most obvious difference is that tablet computers don't have keyboards or touchpads. Best used for tasks like web browsing, watching videos, reading e- books, and playing games.

49 Tablet Computers Eyad Alshareef some of the main features that you can expect with a tablet computer Mobile OS Solid-State Drives Wi-Fi and 3G/4G Bluetooth Give an example of a tablet Computer? Give an example of Tablet OS?

50 E-Book Readers E-Paper display LCD display called e-readers
Eyad Alshareef called e-readers similar to tablet computers, except they are mainly designed for reading e-books (digital, downloadable books) Two Types E-Paper display LCD display What is the main difference between these types? Give an example of E-book reader?

51 Smartphones a powerful mobile phone
Eyad Alshareef a powerful mobile phone designed to run a variety of applications in addition to phone service. Compare it with the tablet? Internet access is an important feature of smartphones. (3G or 4G)(Wi-Fi Service) What a bout PDA?

52 Data, Information and Knowledge
Eyad Alshareef Data: Facts and figures which relay something specific but which are not organized in any way and which provide no further information regarding patterns unstructured facts and figures

53 Data, Information and Knowledge
Eyad Alshareef Information: For data to become information, it must be contextualized, categorized, calculated and condensed. (Processing) it is data with relevance and purpose.

54 Data, Information and Knowledge
Eyad Alshareef Knowledge: Knowledge is closely linked to doing and implies know-how and understanding. Processing Information

55 Data, Information and Knowledge
Eyad Alshareef Data: symbols Information: data that are processed to be useful; provides answers to "who", "what", "where", and "when" questions Knowledge: application of data and information; answers "how" questions

56 Data, Information and Knowledge
Eyad Alshareef

57 Data, Information and Knowledge
Eyad Alshareef Processing data produces information, and processing information produces knowledge.

58 Characteristics of Computer
Eyad Alshareef Speed  Accuracy  Diligence  Storage Capability  Versatility  List some of computer Limitations? See page # 29

59 Computer Problems The Computer Won’t Start The Screen is Blank
Eyad Alshareef The Computer Won’t Start The Screen is Blank Abnormally Functioning Operating System or Software Windows Won’t Boot The Screen is frozen

60 Computer Problems Computer is Slow Strange Noises Slow Internet
Eyad Alshareef Computer is Slow Strange Noises Slow Internet Overheating Dropped Internet Connections List one action to solve each of the above problem?

61 Viruses: E-mail viruses: Trojan horses: Worms: Malicious Software
Eyad Alshareef Viruses: viruses: Trojan horses: Worms:

62 Viruses Eyad Alshareef A computer virus is an application program designed and written to destroy other programs. A virus is a small piece of software that piggybacks on real programs virus might attach itself to a program such as a spreadsheet program and it has the chance to reproduce (by attaching to other programs)

63 viruses: Eyad Alshareef virus travels as an attachment to messages Replicates itself by automatically mailing itself to dozens of people in the victim's address book. How to a void this type of virus?

64 Trojan horses simply a computer program
Eyad Alshareef simply a computer program The program claims to do one thing (it may claim to be a game) but instead does damage when you run it How this type is different from Viruses?

65 Worms Eyad Alshareef A worm is a small piece of software that uses computer networks and security holes to replicate itself. worm scans the network for another machine that has a specific security hole.

66 How do you know if you have a virus?
Malicious Software Eyad Alshareef How do you know if you have a virus? Lack of storage capability Decrease in the speed of executing programs Unexpected error messages Halting the system

67 Tips to avoid viruses and lessen their impact?
Eyad Alshareef Delete s from unknown or suspicious, untrustworthy (unreliable) sources, especially those with files attached to an . Never open a file attached to an unless you know what it is, even if it appears to come from a friend. Download files from the Internet only from legitimate and reputable sources. Update your antivirus software at least every two weeks as over 200 viruses are discovered each month. Backup your files periodically

68 Look at chapter Questions Page 34 & 35
The End Eyad Alshareef Look at chapter Questions Page 34 & 35

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