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Review 2-D Geometry Test Read each question and answer carefully. Click on the screen to find the correct answer. Compare the correct answer to the answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Review 2-D Geometry Test Read each question and answer carefully. Click on the screen to find the correct answer. Compare the correct answer to the answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review 2-D Geometry Test Read each question and answer carefully. Click on the screen to find the correct answer. Compare the correct answer to the answer you found.

2 Identify each polygon by its sides. Then classify the polygon as convex or concave. Identify the figure as regular or non-regular. Octagon Concave Non-regular Hexagon Convex Regular

3 Identify the triangles by their angles and their sides Acute Equilateral Scalene Right Isosceles Obtuse

4 Find the measure of each missing angle. 3768 X 100 80Y X = 75Y = 80

5 Find the area and perimeter of each shape. 5in 12in7m 4m3m 11ft 7ft 21ft 8ft 2.5ft 10ft A = 30 in² P = 30 in A = 21 m² P = 22 m A= 112ft² P = 48ft A=25ft² P= 25 ft

6 Find the area and circumference of the figure. 10m

7 Word Problems One side of a square is 6 m long. How long is each of the other three sides? The side of a square is 3 meters long. What is the area? A label on a 1-gallon can of paint indicates you can cover about 400 square feet of surface. Is that enough paint to cover a rectangular wall that measures 25 feet by 8 feet? The distance from the center of a circle to the edge of the circle is 2 feet. What is the greatest distance across the circle? 6meters 9 m² Yes. 8 x 25 = 200 4 ft since that is the diameter which is the greatest distance

8 Transformations: List all of the following types of transformations that satisfy each description: reflection, translation, rotation. a. The transformation is also called a turn. b. The transformation preserves the orientation of a figure. c. The transformation is the composite of successive reflections over two intersecting lines. d. The transformation is the composite of successive reflections over two parallel lines. e. A specific transformation is defined by a fixed point and a specified angle. f. The transformation is also called a slide. g. The transformation is also called a flip. rotation translation rotation translation rotation translation reflection

9 Determine the number of lines of symmetry for each figure described below. a. a square b. an isosceles triangle (not equilateral) c. a regular hexagon d. an isosceles trapezoid e. the letter E Four one Six one

10 Transformation Impact Sam has a rectangular garden plot 25 feet by 50 feet. He plans next year to cut down on the size of the garden. The new dimensions will be changed by a factor of 4/5. Which statement is true about the area of next year’s garden? The area of next year’s garden will be reduced by: A.4/5 B.16/25 C.8/25 D.64/125 B. 16/25

11 Pythagorean Theorem You place the base of a 10 foot ladder 8 feet from a building. How high does the ladder reach? A.6 ft B.12 ft C.20 ft D.36 ft A. 6ft

12 Pythagorean Theorem Teddy is making a picture frame for his mother. The dimensions of the frame are 18 inches by 10 inches. What should the diagonal measure in order to have each corner be a right angle? A.18 in B.28 in C.20.591 in D.21.345 in C. 20.591 in

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