Duck Hill Kennels Producing Labrador Retrievers With Good Manners and Great Game Finding Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Duck Hill Kennels Producing Labrador Retrievers With Good Manners and Great Game Finding Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duck Hill Kennels Producing Labrador Retrievers With Good Manners and Great Game Finding Initiative

2 Breeding Stock Our breeding stock are the progeny of the best British Field Trial Dogs Our dogs are equally at home in the house or in the duck blind. We strive to produce a dog that is equally great as family pet and as gundog

3 Breeding Program Duck Hill breeding stock are the dogs showing the greatest degree of natural good manners coupled with hunting drive. Puppies are given a great deal of socialization including beginning clicker training Puppies are systematically exposed to new environments, new people and a variety of environmental factors Puppies begin retrieving at a very early age while the instinct is most open Puppies are conditioned to keep hunting under gunfire and other disruptive stimuli.

4 Physical Plant 200 acres 6,700 sq ft training and administration building Kenneling for 90 dogs Spacious Puppy Paddocks

5 Physical Plant

6 Puppy Development Out of the kennel Sit in the scent cone to get dinnerBack to the kennel Odor and Passive Alert Conditioning

7 Puppy Development Upstairs for dinner on mezzanine Nature Hike

8 Puppy Development

9 Qualifications of Owner, Robert Milner LtCol USAF Ret – 26 years active and reserve duty in Disaster Response, Radar, Logistics Owner operator of retriever training kennel for 15 years; Trained 150 dogs per year and produced 100 puppies per year. 10 years of teaching dog obedience at the University of Memphis Author of the following books: Retriever Training for the Duck Hunter Retriever Training, A Back to Basics Approach A Disaster Search Dog Training Manual (FEMA) Designer and Implementer of Disaster Search dog program for FEMA’s Tennessee Task Force One

10 Qualifications of Owner, Robert Milner Former Program Manager, Canine Manager and Task Force Leader for Tennessee Task Force One (FEMA US&R) Deployed with TN TF-1 as Dog Handler, Search Team Manager, or Task Force Leader to the following: Winter Olympics at Salt Lake City Columbia Space Shuttle Recovery Hurricane Francis Hurricane Ivan Hurricane Ophelia Hurricane Rita

11 Contact Information Robert Milner Duck Hill Kennels 350 Bailey Morrison Dr Somerville TN 38068 Ph (901)428-6694 We are approximately 30 miles East of Memphis TN

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