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Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Upper Limb

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1 Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Upper Limb
Prepared by: Feng-Yen Li Supervised by: Kim Topp

2 Introduction Useful tips for usage:
These flashcards are meant to help you learn the movements of the muscles. They are most useful when you see how the movements makes sense in relation to the origin and insertion points. For exam purposes, you only need to know (memorize) the action, innervation, and arterial supply of each muscle. But Italicized = do not need to know for exam. The purple slides are summary slides (if applicable) of subsequent muscles. Use these to learn the common properties of groups of muscles. Information about each muscle is also listed in the notes section under each picture slide. The titles in table of contents are hyperlinked its slide, but you need to go into presentation mode to use the hyperlinks.

3 Acknowledgements Special thanks go to:
Kim Topp for reviewing all the slides for validity. Daniel Orjuela and Paul Teresi for taking the cadaver pictures. UCSF 2006 Curriculum Ambassador Program for funding this project. UCSF 2006 Curriculum Ambassadors and Mentors for offering useful suggestions. Members of the UCSF Class of 2009 for inspiring and supporting me to do this project.

4 Useful Websites Here are other useful sites to learn the muscles:
(shows each muscle in isolation) (has many nicely labeled cadaver pictures)

5 Table of Contents Anterior Arm Posterior Arm Anterior Forearm
Coracobrachialis Biceps Brachii Brachialis Posterior Arm Triceps Brachii Anterior Forearm Superficial Muscles Pronator Teres Flexor Carpi Radialis Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Palmaris Longis Deep Muscles Flexor Digitorum Profundus Flexor Pollicis Longus Pronator Quadratus Posterior Forearm Superficial Muscles Extensor Digitorum Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Brachioradialis Deep Muscles Abductor Pollicis Longus Extensor Pollicis Longus Extensor Indicis Supinator The Hand Thenar Eminence Hypothenar Eminence Adductor Pollicis Palmar Interossei Dorsal Interossei

6 Anterior Arm Action Flex the forearm at elbow joint (except coracobrachialis) Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery

7 Coracobrachialis Origin Insertion Origin coracoid process
Insertion Humerus Action flex and adduct arm Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery Insertion

8 Coracobrachialis Origin coracoid process Insertion Humerus
Action flex and adduct arm Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery

9 Biceps Brachii Origin Insertion
Short head: tip of coracoid process of scapula Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Insertion Radius Action Supinates + flexes (when supine) forearm Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve (C5 and C6 ) Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery Insertion

10 Biceps Brachii Origin Short head: tip of coracoid process of scapula
Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Insertion Radius Action Supinates + flexes (when supine) forearm Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve (C5 and C6 ) Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery

11 Brachialis Origin Insertion Origin Humerus Insertion Ulna
Action Major flexor of forearm Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve (C5 and C6) Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery, recurrent radial artery Insertion

12 Brachialis Origin Humerus Insertion Ulna
Action Major flexor of forearm Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve (C5 and C6) Arterial Supply Muscular branches of brachial artery, recurrent radial artery

13 Posterior Arm Action Extend the forearm at elbow joint
Innervation Radial nerve Arterial Supply Branches of deep brachial artery

14 Triceps Brachii Origin Insertion Long head: scapula
Medial + Lateral heads: posterior surface of humerus Insertion Olecranon process of ulna Action Chief extensor of forearm Innervation Radial nerve (C6, C7 and C8) Arterial Supply Branches of deep brachial artery Insertion

15 Triceps Brachii Origin Long head: scapula
Medial + Lateral heads: posterior surface of humerus Insertion Olecranon process of ulna Action Chief extensor of forearm Innervation Radial nerve (C6, C7 and C8) Arterial Supply Branches of deep brachial artery

16 Anterior Forearm Action Pronate the forearm, flex the wrist, and flex the digits Innervation Median and ulnar nerves

17 Superficial Muscles Origin Medial epicondyle
Innervation Median nerves (except flexor carpi ulnaris) Artery Supply Ulna artery (except flexor carpi radialis)

18 Pronator Teres Origin Insertion
Origin Mainly medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion Radius Action Pronates and flexes forearm Innervation Median nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery Insertion

19 Pronator Teres Origin Mainly medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion Radius Action Pronates and flexes forearm Innervation Median nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery

20 Flexor Carpi Radialis Origin Insertion
Origin Mainly medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion 2nd metacarpal Action Flexes the wrist Innervation Median nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Radial artery

21 Flexor Carpi Radialis Origin Mainly medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion 2nd metacarpal Action Flexes the wrist Innervation Median nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Radial artery

22 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Origin Insertion
Origin Mainly medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion Pisiform bone, hamate bone, + 5th metacarpal Action Flexes the wrist Innervation Ulnar nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery Insertion

23 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Origin Mainly medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion Pisiform bone, hamate bone, + 5th metacarpal Action Flexes the wrist Innervation Ulnar nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery

24 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Origin Origin Medial epicondyle, radius, ulna Insertion middle phalanges of digits 2 – 5 Action Flexes digits 2-5 (not at distal interphalangeal joint) Innervation Median nerve (C7, C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery Insertion

25 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Origin Medial epicondyle, radius, ulna Insertion middle phalanges of digits 2 – 5 Action Flexes digits 2-5 (not at distal interphalangeal joint) Innervation Median nerve (C7, C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery

26 Palmaris Longus Origin Insertion
Origin Medial epicondyle, radius, ulna Insertion Distal half of flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis Action Flexes wrist Innervation Median nerve (C7, C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery Insertion

27 Palmaris Longus Origin Medial epicondyle, radius, ulna
Insertion Distal half of flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis Action Flexes wrist Innervation Median nerve (C7, C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Ulnar artery

28 Deep Muscles Origin Radius and Ulna
Innervation Mostly median nerve (C8 and T1) Artery Supply Mostly anterior interosseous artery

29 Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Origin Origin Ulna Insertion distal phalanx of digits 2 - 5 Action Flexes phalanges 2-5 at distal interphalangeal joint Innervation Medial part: ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Lateral part: median nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Ulnar and anterior interosseous arteries Insertion

30 Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Origin Ulna Insertion distal phalanx of digits 2 - 5 Action Flexes phalanges 2-5 at distal interphalangeal joint Innervation Medial part: ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Lateral part: median nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Ulnar and anterior interosseous arteries

31 Flexor Pollicis Longus
Origin Insertion Origin Radius Insertion distal phalanx of thumb Action Flexes thumb Innervation Median nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Anterior interosseous artery

32 Flexor Pollicis Longus
Origin Radius Insertion distal phalanx of thumb Action Flexes thumb Innervation Median nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Anterior interosseous artery

33 Pronator Quadratus Insertion Origin Origin Ulna Insertion Radius
Action Pronates forearm Innervation Median nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Anterior interosseous artery

34 Pronator Quadratus Origin Ulna Insertion Radius
Action Pronates forearm Innervation Median nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Anterior interosseous artery

35 Posterior Forearm Action Supinate the forearm, extend the wrist, and extend the digits Innervation Radial nerve

36 Superficial Muscles Origin Lateral epicondyle or humerus
Innervation Mostly radial nerve Artery Supply Mostly Radial artery

37 Extensor Digitorum Origin Insertion Origin Lateral epicondyle
Insertion Extensor expansions of digits 2-5 Action Extends metacarpophalangeal joints + wrist joint Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous arteries Insertion

38 Extensor Digitorum Origin Lateral epicondyle
Insertion Extensor expansions of digits 2-5 Action Extends metacarpophalangeal joints + wrist joint Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous arteries

39 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Origin Insertion Origin Lateral epicondyle Insertion 5th metacarpal Action Extends and adducts wrist joint Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8); deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Ulnar artery

40 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Origin Lateral epicondyle Insertion 5th metacarpal Action Extends and adducts wrist joint Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8); deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Ulnar artery

41 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Origin Origin Humerus Insertion 2nd metacarpal Action Extends hand at wrist joint Innervation Radial nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Radial artery Insertion

42 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Origin Humerus Insertion 2nd metacarpal Action Extends hand at wrist joint Innervation Radial nerve (C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Radial artery

43 Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Origin Origin Lateral epicondyle Insertion 3rd metacarpal Action Extends hand at wrist joint Innervation Deep branch of radial nerve (C7 and C8) Arterial Supply Radial artery Insertion

44 Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Origin Lateral epicondyle Insertion 3rd metacarpal Action Extends hand at wrist joint Innervation Deep branch of radial nerve (C7 and C8) Arterial Supply Radial artery

45 Brachioradialis Origin Insertion Origin Humerus Insertion Radius
Action Flexes forearm Innervation Radial nerve (C5, C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Radial recurrent artery

46 Brachioradialis Origin Humerus Insertion Radius Action Flexes forearm
Innervation Radial nerve (C5, C6 and C7) Arterial Supply Radial recurrent artery

47 Deep Muscles Origin Ulna and interosseous membrane between radius and ulna Innervation Mostly deep branch of radial nerve Artery Supply (posterior) interosseous artery

48 Abductor Pollicis Longus
Origin Insertion Origin Ulna Insertion 1st metacarpal Action Abducts thumb Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous artery

49 Abductor Pollicis Longus
Origin Ulna Insertion 1st metacarpal Action Abducts thumb Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous artery

50 Extensor Pollicis Longus
Origin Insertion Origin Ulna Insertion Distal phalanx of thumb Action Extends thumb Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous artery

51 Extensor Pollicis Longus
Origin Ulna Insertion Distal phalanx of thumb Action Extends thumb Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous artery

52 Extensor Indicis Insertion Origin Origin Ulna Insertion 2nd digit
Action Extends 2nd digit Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous artery

53 Extensor Indicis Origin Ulna Insertion 2nd digit
Action Extends 2nd digit Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8), deep branch of the radial nerve Arterial Supply Posterior interosseous artery

54 Supinator Origin Insertion Origin Lateral epicondyle, ulna
Insertion Radius Action Supinates forearm Innervation Deep branch of radial nerve (C5, C6) Arterial Supply Recurrent interosseous artery

55 Supinator Origin Lateral epicondyle, ulna Insertion Radius
Action Supinates forearm Innervation Deep branch of radial nerve (C5, C6) Arterial Supply Recurrent interosseous artery

56 The Hand Innervation Mostly ulnar nerve (except thenar eminence)
Palmar Aponeurosis Carpal Tunnel (Median nerve, Flexor digitorum superficialis, Flexor digitorum profundus, Flexor pollicis longus; transverse carpal ligament) Osseofibrous tunnels Extensor expansion

57 Thenar Eminence Muscles Abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis Action Abduct, flex, and oppose the thumb Innervation Recurrent branches of median nerve

58 Thenar Eminence Muscles Abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis Action Abduct, flex, and oppose the thumb Innervation Recurrent branches of median nerve

59 Hypothenar Eminence Muscles Abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi Action Abduct, flex, and oppose the little finger Innervation Ulnar nerve

60 Hypothenar Eminence Muscles Abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi Action Abduct, flex, and oppose the little finger Innervation Ulnar nerve

61 Adductor Pollicis Insertion Origin Origin 3rd metacarpal
Insertion Proximal phalanx of thumb Action Adducts thumb Innervation Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Deep palmar arterial arch

62 Adductor Pollicis Origin 3rd metacarpal
Insertion Proximal phalanx of thumb Action Adducts thumb Innervation Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Deep palmar arterial arch

63 Palmar Interossei Origin Insertion
Origin Palmar surfaces of 2nd, 4th and 5th metacarpals Insertion Proximal phalanges of digits 2, 4 and 5 Action Adduct digits toward axial line along 3rd digit Innervation Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Palmar metacarpal arteries Insertion

64 Palmar Interossei Origin Palmar surfaces of 2nd, 4th and 5th metacarpals Insertion Proximal phalanges of digits 2, 4 and 5 Action Adduct digits toward axial line along 3rd digit Innervation Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Palmar metacarpal arteries

65 Dorsal Interossei Origin Insertion
Origin Adjacent sides of two metacarpals Insertion Proximal phalanges of digits 2, 3 and 4 Action Abduct digits away from axial line along 3rd digit Innervation Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Dorsal and palmar metacarpal arteries Insertion

66 Dorsal Interossei Origin Adjacent sides of two metacarpals
Insertion Proximal phalanges of digits 2, 3 and 4 Action Abduct digits away from axial line along 3rd digit Innervation Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) Arterial Supply Dorsal and palmar metacarpal arteries

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