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Chapter 1: Introduction to Economic Decision Making Central Proposition: Decision Making Is At The Heart of Most Individual, Business, & Government Problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: Introduction to Economic Decision Making Central Proposition: Decision Making Is At The Heart of Most Individual, Business, & Government Problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Economic Decision Making Central Proposition: Decision Making Is At The Heart of Most Individual, Business, & Government Problems Important Decisions Warrant Serious Analysis Text Topics 1 Profit Analysis (Chapters 2-6) 4 Decision Making Under Uncertainty (Chapters 12-14) 5. Applications (Chapters 15-17) 2 Market Structure & Competitive Strategy (Chapters 7-10) 3 Regulation and Public Goods (Chapter 11)

2 1.2 1. Multinational Production and Pricing 2. Market Entry 3.Building a New Bridge 4.A Regulatory Problem 5.An R&D Decision 6.Wooing David Letterman

3 1. Establishing the Context 2. What is the Objective? 3. What are the Alternatives? 4. Predicting Outcomes 5. Making a Decision 6. Sensitivity (What If) Analysis Who is the decision maker? What is the problem? Maximum Profit or other Goal? Uncovering and maximizing Options Forecasting Revenues and Costs Marginal Analysis, D-Trees, Game Theory What About New Conditions? What Drives Decision? 1.3

4 Firm’s Objective: Maximum Profit Societal Objectives: Maximal Welfare (Benefits - Costs) Government regulatory initiatives and Macroeconomic policies Economic Tradeoffs Benefits versus Costs Long-Term versus Short-Term Risk versus Return Conflicting Goals Automobile Regulation: Safety, Emissions, Fuel Economy 1.4

5 Distinguishing between: Good Decisions and Good Outcomes Decision Steps Assessing Possible Outcomes Quantifying Uncertainty Acquiring and Interpreting New Information Determining whether Risks are Acceptable 1.5

6 Finding the Best Hotel Three Hotels. Traveler can visit and compare but cannot go back. 15 10 10 10 5 20 10 15 | | | | | | | | A B C D E F G H 3.0 3.5 2.0 2.5 4.5 2.0 4.5 What location Minimizes Total Trip Miles? Town E (at the Median of the Customer Distribution) Strategy: Size up the 1st Hotel but bypass it. Stop at the 2nd Hotel only if its better than the 1st. B B M M W W M W B W B M W M W B M B Traveler finds best Hotel 1/2 the time! 1.6

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