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Expansion of Technology for All at the Middle Schools! May 12, 2015 Pleasanton Unified School District Board of Education Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Expansion of Technology for All at the Middle Schools! May 12, 2015 Pleasanton Unified School District Board of Education Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expansion of Technology for All at the Middle Schools! May 12, 2015 Pleasanton Unified School District Board of Education Meeting

2 Middle School Laptop Transition

3 Transition from 5th to 6th ●Every elementary has at least one BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) class. ●5th Grade teachers have been using blended learning curriculum for over 2 years. ●As early as Grade 2 students are mastering Google Apps. Click the image to see the year long lesson plans

4 How many devices are being provided? Each site… ●Providing a minimum of 12 Chromebooks for each 6th grade block and science class. ●Has computer labs, library computers and rolling carts of chromebooks. ●Students are encouraged to BYOD.

5 Communication Outreach ●Expanded Classroom Technology Plan Letter Home ●Website ●School Board Presentation: Jan 27, 2015 ●Principal Coffees ●Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night ●Catlin Tucker - Parent Night ●Digital Citizenship Parent Events

6 Professional Development ●Collaborations ●Faculty Meetings ●Conferences ●Curriculum Institutes ●Job Embedded Training ●Individual Support ●Department Trainings ●Staff Development ●Tech2U

7 What was included? Topics presented: ●ClassroomClassroom ●RemindRemind ●There’s A Map 4 ThatThere’s A Map 4 That ●Digital Formative AssessmentsDigital Formative Assessments ●7 Things to know about Google Forms7 Things to know about Google Forms ●Hour Of CodeHour Of Code ●EdpuzzleEdpuzzle ●Google SitesGoogle Sites ●Digital Portfolio’sDigital Portfolio’s ●Media LiteracyMedia Literacy ●Digital Presentation ToolsDigital Presentation Tools ●Flipped LearningFlipped Learning ●Workflow and ExtensionsWorkflow and Extensions ●Digital Citizenship WeekDigital Citizenship Week ISTE Nets: 1.Creativity and Innovation 2.Communication and Collaboration 3.Research and Information Fluency 4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5.Digital Citizenship 6.Technology Operations and Concepts Based on the PUSD Tech Plan- ISTE Nets (National Education Technology Standards)

8 Job Embedded - Tech Training Targeted All 6th Grade Teachers ●Pedagogy (ISTE Nets) o SAMR Framework SAMR Framework o Blended Learning Blended Learning o Hyperdocs ●Time to Create and Apply o Collaborative Hyperdocs o Created a bank of lesson plans

9 What is SAMR? SAMR and Blooms Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle SAMR and Blooms Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle Dr. Ruben Puentedura

10 Modification/Redefinition - (Transformative) Allows for new tasks that are not possible without the use of technology New Tasks ●Each student can research a specific Volcano identified in a clip. ●Use Google My Maps to collaboratively share their research. ●Teacher can overlay a map identifying movement of tectonic plates. ●Students can use class created media as a learning tool.

11 Blended Learning “Be the Architect of Learning Experiences” - Catlin Tucker ●Shift to student centered classroom ●Create learning experience so students can be generators of information. ●Take advantage of multiple devices and platforms ●Flipped Instruction ●Digital Collaboration ●Using Both Tech and Traditional Methods ●Using Collective Intelligence ●Not Limited to Learning Only In The Classroom ●Explanation of Blended LearningExplanation of Blended Learning ●The Basics of Blended InstructionThe Basics of Blended Instruction ●Effect of blended Learning Model On High School Student’s SuccessEffect of blended Learning Model On High School Student’s Success

12 What did you like most about today? “I actually completely changed the unit i was to start on monday to incorporate technology, common core focus and really open wide the opportunities for my students. It was incredible to have our teacher support team stand beside me to help with questions about ( for me specifically) google maps, collecting student work, creating ways for students to submit work and present work. This was such a productive and inspiring day i could not be more grateful as i have been begging for ways to revamp my curriculum! Thank you beyond words for this opportunity to become a better teacher!” Teacher - Hart Middle School

13 What aspects of Today will have the biggest impact on your teaching? “MultiMedia, text sets, and hyperdocs..... fabulous! I not only got some new actual working documents done, but I also have a lot of other ideas!” - Hart Teacher “The hands on guidance and support throughout the day” - Harvest Park Teacher

14 What Would You Like To See in The Future? “ The opportunity to use and reflect about technology and its use in the classroom. It seems we never have time for reflection or to use the programs we're being told about, so I truly appreciate that we were given the entire day to explore.” - PMS Teacher

15 How Helpful was today’s Session? “I created a lesson from beginning to end using a hyperdoc and a new resource (Thinglink) for my students.” -Teacher Harvest Park “Great ideas, suggestions, and planning. I am going to use several ideas I learned about today. Fabulous training. Thank you.” -Teacher Harvest Park

16 What do you need next? “I just love having a day where we can fool around and come up with things. We need more time to be creative!” “Being able to create something useable and as a team. This is something that we all agree that we can use.” “Time to work! And lots of examples that will be easily accessible in the future. I have lots of good ideas of ways to update what I already teach and incorporate more self discovery and less me.” -PMS Teachers

17 Next Steps Align plans with year two goals in the District Technology Plan ●Professional Development o Individual/Department Support o Collaborations/Staff Meetings o Job Embedded Training o Sharing Resources o Summer Institute o Curriculum Institutes o Summer “Hangouts” ●Catlin Tucker ○Workshop ○Parent Night ● Additional Opportunities ○ GAFE (Google Apps for Education) Summit ○ CUE (Compuster User in Education) Conference ○ Google Hangouts On Air (Online Conference) ○GAFE Research Projects

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