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Spectroscopy of Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Interfaces Vibrational Spectroscopy Dietrich RT Zahn.

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Presentation on theme: "Spectroscopy of Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Interfaces Vibrational Spectroscopy Dietrich RT Zahn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectroscopy of Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Interfaces Vibrational Spectroscopy
Dietrich RT Zahn

2 The Application of Raman Spectroscopy in the DIODE Project
The Overall Device Performance (iv) The Interface between the Organic Molecules and the Metal GaAs(100) Organic Interlayer Metal V I (iii) The Organic Molecular Film (ii) The Interface between GaAs Substrate and Organic Molecules (i) The GaAs Substrate Surface

3 Molecular Vibrational Properties
DiMe-PTCDI: 3,4,9,10- Perylenetetracarboxylic diImide PTCDA: 3,4,9,10- Perylenetetracarboxylic diAnhydride C24H8O6 C26H14O4N2 Symmetry D2h Raman active: 19Ag+18B1g+10B2g+7B3g IR active: B1u+18B2u+18B3u Silent: Au 108 internal vibrations C2h 44Ag+22Bg +23Au+43Bu + 8Au 132 internal vibrations Monoclinic crystallographic system in thin films: PTCDA: - and -phases: S. R. Forrest, Chem. Rev. 97 (1997), 1793. DiMe-PTCDI: Cambridge Structural Database.

4 Raman-active vibrations
of PTCDA (C24H8O6): Effect of crystal formation 2-fold Davydov Splitting internal molecular modes: external molecular modes (phonons): C- C- O Bg C-H C-C Symmetry: D2h C2h (monoclinic) 6 rotational vibrations: 3Ag+3Bg 19Ag+18B1g+10B2g+7B3g Ag

5 Vibration modes of PTCDA molecule
C-O Bg C-H C-C 19 Ag breathing modes very good agreement between experimental and calculated frequencies !

6 Raman Spectra of a PTCDA Crystal
x0.1 assignment of modes and their relative atomic contribution using Gaussian `98 (B3LYP, 3-21G)

7 Ag Raman Modes of PTCDA with In

8 Raman Spectra of a PTCDA Crystal
x0.5 C=O ring C-H and a DiMe-PTCDI x0.1 assignment of modes and their relative atomic contribution using Gaussian `98 (B3LYP:3-21G).

9 Raman Spectra of a PTCDA Crystal
and a DiMe-PTCDI assignment of modes and their relative atomic contribution using Gaussian `98 (B3LYP:3-21G). Raman shift /cm-1

10 Raman-active vibrations of PTCDA: Effect of crystal formation
external molecular modes (phonons): 6 rotational vibrations: 3Ag+3Bg Symmetry: C2h (monoclinic) Bg Ag Bg

11 Infrared Modes in Films on S-GaAs
C-H+ C-N-C Reflection, s-polarized light. C=O C-O+ C-C ring C-O-C C-H (oop) Assignment of modes using Gaussian `98 (B3LYP, 3-21G).

12 Sample Preparation Epi-ready GaAs (100) Degreasing
Acetone, Ethanol, Di-Water OMBD deposition: PTCDA, DiMe-PTCDI Thickness: 0.1 nm ÷15 nm Wet Chemical Treatment S2Cl2:CCl4=1:3 (10 sec) Rinsing (CCl4, Acetone, Ethanol, Di-Water) Metal deposition: Ag, In Thickness: 0.1 nm ÷260 nm Annealing at 620 K, 30 min S-GaAs(100):2x1

13 Ex Situ (Micro-) and In Situ (Macro- Configuration) Raman Spectroscopy
Ar+ line Dilor XY 800 Spectrometer Monochromatic light source: Ar+ Laser (2.54eV), Detector: CCD resonance condition with the absorption band of the organic crystalline material. resolution: 1.2 cm-1 to 3.5 cm-1.

14 Monitoring of PTCDA Film Growth on S-GaAs
E = 2.54 eV M. Ramsteiner et al., Appl. Opt. 28 (18) (1989), 4017. The relative intensity of internal modes does not change upon deposition. weak interaction of the molecules with the S-passivated substrate. Phonons are well resolved as soon as 20 nm of PTCDA are deposited.

15 Chemistry at Organic/S-GaAs(100):2x1 Vibrational Properties:
PTCDA Annealing at 623 K for 30 min: Molecules remaining at the surface: NPTCDA(0.04nm)~1013 cm-2 NdSi ~ 1012 cm-2 Spectrum of annealed film similar to that of an annealed PTCDA film on Si(100). The strongest interaction: between the PTCDA molecules and defects due to Si at the GaAs surface. 0.45 nm (x 0.6) 0.18 nm ann. x 4.4 40 nm x 0.01

16 Calculated Vibrational Properties: PTCDA

17 Calculated Vibrational Properties: PTCDA
Molecular charging with one elementary charge: significant spectral changes predicted for the C=C modes around 1600 cm-1 fractional charge transfer between the PTCDA and the defects at the GaAs surface.

18 In Situ Raman: Monitoring of Indium Deposition onto PTCDA (15 nm)
/28 /10 /58 /13 /33 /5 /0.7 /1.5

19 Influence of Indium on Vibrational Spectra of PTCDA

20 Influence of Indium on Vibrational Spectra of PTCDA
organic films grown on S-GaAs(100):2x1 reflection measurements at 20° incidence. all PTCDA modes are preserved in the spectrum of In/PTCDA. observation of C=O modes (around cm-1) In does not react with the O of PTCDA !

21 Indium/PTCDA: Separation of Chemical and Structural Properties
In: 0 100 nm In: 1 nm/min PTCDA ~0.4 nm (~1 ML) S-GaAs(100) ~15 nm (~50ML)

22 Comparison of Indium and Silver Deposition on PTCDA and DiMe-PTCDI
In: 1 nm/min Ag:1.6 ÷ 5.5 nm/min

23 Comparison of Indium and Silver Deposition on PTCDA and DiMe-PTCDI
the PTCDA external modes: are preserved broadened after 0.3 nm Ag deposition. disappear after 0.4 nm In. the DiMe-PTCDI external modes: less affected compared to PTCDA. probably due to less compact crystalline structure.

24 Mg, In, Ag on PTCDA

25 Mg, In, Ag on DiMe-PTCDI +Mg

26 Indium and Silver Deposition:
Enhancement Factors PTCDA (15 mn) DiMe-PTCDI (15 nm)

27 Determination of Molecular Orientation: DiMe-PTCDI
=0°: x II [011]GaAs =90°: x II [0-11] phonons phonons Azimuthal rotation of a 120 nm thick film; normal incidence. Periodic variation of signal in crossed and parallel polarization. M. Friedrich, G. Salvan, D. Zahn et al., J. Phys. Cond. Mater. submitted.

28 Determination of Molecular Orientation: DiMe-PTCDI
Breathing mode at 221 cm-1 Good agreement with IR and NEXAFS results

29 Molecular Orientation with respect to GaAs substrate:
PTCDA:  ~ 9°

30 [-110] DiMe-PTCDI:  ~ 6°  ~ 60°

31 Raman Characterization of Organic Thin Films: Achievements and Outlook
Interface reactions Internal Modes: Shifts, Intensities Film thickness Intensity modulations Crystalline Order Growth Mode Crystallinity Occurrence of Phonon-like Modes, FWHM Crystal modifications Phonons, Davydov Splitting of Internal Modes Orientation Further investigations

32 Raman Spectroscopy Team:

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