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What is Neon ? By: Mike Bedard.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Neon ? By: Mike Bedard."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Neon ? By: Mike Bedard

2 What are Elements? Definition: a specific type of atom.
I will be presenting the structure, history, and importance of Neon.

3 Neon’s Atom Shell K Nucleus Electrons P=10 N=10 Shell L

4 What is the Structure of Neon?
Odorless, colorless, gas 10 protons(+), 10 neutrons, 10 electrons(-) Atomic mass is amu Neon’s atomic number is 10 Atomic symbol is Ne Neon’s density is grams per cubic centimeter Part of the Noble Gas group

5 What is the History of Neon?
Discovered in 1898 Found in the atmosphere by Sir William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers Discovered through the study of liquefied air George Claude created the first neon lamp in 1910

6 Why is Neon Important? Lamps Luminous sign tubes Voltage detectors
TV tubes Helium-neon lasers Liquid form is used as a cryogenic refrigerant

7 Interesting Facts William Ramsay and Morris Travers also discovered other elements Neon is the 4th most abundant element in the universe Neon gives off intense red light when heated

8 Conclusion I learned… 10 protons 10 electrons 10 neutrons
4th most abundant element in the universe Discovered in 1898 Used in voltage detectors

9 Works Consulted "A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory." Web. 10 Dec “Elements." Chemical - An Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements. Web. 10 Dec "Elements." Current Science. POWER Library. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 10 Dec "It's Elemental - The Periodic Table of Elements." Science Education at Jefferson Lab. Web. 10 Dec Knapp, Brian J., David Woodroffe, and David A. Hardy. Elements. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, Print. "Periodic Table - Chart of All Chemical Elements." Lenntech. Web. 10 Dec “WebElements.” Periodic Table of the Elements. Web. 10 Dec

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