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P 111 #28 – 36 EVENS 5 problems BELL RINGERS Lesson 1-6

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1 P 111 #28 – 36 EVENS 5 problems BELL RINGERS Lesson 1-6
Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

2 DIVIDING Rational Numbers
LESSON DIVIDING Rational Numbers Dividing INTEGER MAN RULES Fractions Decimals Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

3 Integer Man can help you solve any multiplication or division problem
NOTES Integer - MAN Integer Man can help you solve any multiplication or division problem Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

4 Reminder about myself
Hello people! I'm going to tell you about myself. First of all I'm zero, which isn't a positive or a negative. My friends are positives and negatives though..let me tell you about them though. Multiplication - when you multiply integers with same sign, do normal multiplication and the sign of the answer is positive 3 x 4 = 12 When you multiply integers with opposite sign, do normal multiplication and the sign of the answer is positive (-3) x (-4) = 12 When you multiply integers with opposite signs, do normal multiplication and the sign of the answer is negative 3 x (-4) = -12 (-3) x (4) = -12 -the rules in multiplication are the same rules applying to division, except of course you have to change the sign to division. And me zero. Zero is never negative or positive so yeah....Bye!

5 Different sign = NEGATIVE
NOTES RULES Division Same sign = POSITIVE Different sign = NEGATIVE Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

Examples MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE DIFFERENTSIGNS Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

8 An example of Simplify Algebraic Expressions

Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

10 How to Divide Fractions
PLEASE REFER TO THE YOUTUBE VIDEO ON YOUR WIKI. Watch the whole thing, it’s a great detailed 4 minute lesson

11 DIVIDING FRACTIONS Multiply by the RECIPROCAL Copy Change Flip
Examples DIVIDING FRACTIONS Multiply by the RECIPROCAL Copy Change Flip Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

12 Dividing Decimals are NOT scary anymore
Click on the links below to show examples of step by step of dividing decimals

13 P 81 #16 – 38 EVENS P 86 #18 – 42 EVENS PRACTICE E/C (ALL)
Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

14 POST under Today's Discussion
JOURNAL POST under Today's Discussion Tell me what you learned today. What happens if you don’t know the Integer Rules? (I should see at least 3 sentences) Students will learn how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

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