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Connecticut By Yuki Hoshi & Marlyn Li. Welcome to Connecticut! This presentation was specifically created for people like you who may be interested in.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecticut By Yuki Hoshi & Marlyn Li. Welcome to Connecticut! This presentation was specifically created for people like you who may be interested in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecticut By Yuki Hoshi & Marlyn Li

2 Welcome to Connecticut! This presentation was specifically created for people like you who may be interested in coming to our wonderful colony. For whatever reason you are thinking of coming to our fabulous colony, we guarantee satisfaction. Today you will discover important information about our colony. Enjoy! “We understand your frustration, come to Connecticut for representation!”

3 Geography & Climate The colony of Connecticut is south of Massachusetts, and east of New York. Here in Connecticut there are many different waterfalls, lakes, ponds, and rivers that are very useful for drinking, bathing, washing clothes, and cleaning. The weather in Connecticut is mild. Not too cold or hot. January temperatures average 28 °F and July temperature average 73 °F.

4 Natural Resources More than 60% of Connecticut is covered with forest. There's a large variety of trees that can be found in these forests, including ash, beech, birch, elm, hemlock, hickory, maple, and pine. There are a lot of fish, as Connecticut is on the coast of New England.

5 Trade and Skills Connecticut has very few mountains, making farming and plant life easier. Farmers can grow a large variety of fruits and vegetables including apples, berries peaches pears, and more. They also raise animals such as milking cows and sheep. Fishing is also a common skill, as Connecticut is on the coast and is a commonly traded item.

6 Native Americans In some colonies, the English people have poor relations with native people. Here in the colony of Connecticut however, we live in peace with the Algonquin people. There are many different Native American tribes living close to the colonists, but attacks are occasional and only a few tribes are responsible for these attacks.

7 Government and Leaders Thomas Hooker is the main founder of Hartford, along with others. Hooker feels that people can limit their lawmaker’s power and that the lawmakers should account to the people for their actions. Thomas Hooker

8 Thank You For Watching!

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