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George Washington Carver Pathfinder Activity submitted by Stephanie Tukes-Manuel.

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1 George Washington Carver Pathfinder Activity submitted by Stephanie Tukes-Manuel


3 This Pathfinder Activity was designed for 1 st Grade Social Studies students. The regular classroom lesson plans were used and the additional web resources were added to the lesson. The days in which certain web resources were used are listed as follows: 1.)On Monday the media specialist used the following websites with the first grade students: ;;; and The students used these websites in order to gather biography information about George Washington Carver. Some of the websites even showed pictures of George Washington Carver. The students looked at a video about George Washington Carver. It was taken from the following website:

4 2.)On Tuesday the media specialist used the following websites to help the students continue gathering biography information about George Washington Carver:;;; and The media specialist and the teacher helped the students to write the information they had gathered in paragraph form. 3.)On Wednesday the media specialist used the following website with the students: The students made a timeline poster using information that they had gathered from using information on this website.

5 4.)On Thursday the media specialist used the following website with the students:; The students researched different inventions that George Washington Carver helped to discover, or create. The students wrote information about George Washington Carver inventions and turned it in to their teacher. 5.)On Friday the students completed a Life of George Washington Carver- Vocabulary worksheet. The students had to cut out words related to George Washington Carver and place them in alphabetical order. The students also used the ten words in a sentence and stapled the sentences together in order to create a book. The students also completed a word search about George Washington Carver. The activity sheets were taken from the following website: On Friday the students viewed a video about George Washington Carver. The video was taken from the following website:

6 6.)The media specialist read the students the following story about George Washington Carver: George Washington Carver, An Innovative Life, written by Elizabeth MacLeod. The book was designed for grades 3 to 8, and ages 8 to 12.On Tuesday the media specialist used the following websites to help the students continue gathering biography information about George Washington Carver:;;; and The media specialist and the teacher helped the students to write the information they had gathered in paragraph form.

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