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Apple & Steve Jobs 숙명여대 창병모. Start of Apple 1976 Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak.

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Presentation on theme: "Apple & Steve Jobs 숙명여대 창병모. Start of Apple 1976 Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apple & Steve Jobs 숙명여대 창병모

2 Start of Apple 1976 Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak

3 PC

4 Apple I & Apple II 1976 1977 MOS 6502, Apple DOS

5 Macintosh 1984 Graphical User Interface(GUI) Mac OS (1984 ~ 2001) Powerpoint

6 Leaving Apple

7 NeXT 1985 NeXT Workstation NeXTSTEP OS

8 Pixar Toy Story Bug’s Life Finding Nemo …

9 Return to Apple 1996 Apple bought NeXT and Steve Jobs returned to Apple

10 iMac & iBook 1998 ~ 2006

11 Mac Book 2006 ~ Current

12 Mac OS X 2002 ~ Current a Unix operating system, based on the NeXTSTEP and BSD Unix

13 Fusion

14 iPod 2001 iPod portable MP3 player iTunes digital music software iTunes Store

15 Apple’s mobile OS for iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV Mac OS  iOS

16 iPhone 2007 multimedia-enabled smart phone

17 iPad 2010 Tablet PC as a platform for e-books, periodicals, movies, music, games, and web.

18 App Store a digital application distribution platform for iOS.

19 Cloud Computing

20 iCloud 2011 A cloud storage and computing from Apple allows users to store data on remote servers for download to iPhone, iPod, iPads and PCs

21 Why Steve Jobs ? 열정, 도전정신 창의성 미래에 대한 비전 훌륭한 일을 하는 한 가지 길은 자신이 사랑하는 일을 찾는 것이고 찾지 못했을 때 적당히 가지 말고 끝까지 찾는 것

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