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Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion Personal Supercomputing.

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Presentation on theme: "Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion Personal Supercomputing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion Personal Supercomputing

2 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Personal Supercomputing Orion provides the highest performance computer available for power and volume constrained environments with the same ease-of-use and management of a standard PC Highest performance/watt/foot 3 of any computational resource Localized supercomputing power Taking Supercomputer performance out of the datacenter to wherever it’s needed Cluster based architecture, industry standard components and Linux operating system

3 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Designed for individual engineer, not shared Single box, single on-off switch, single boot Plugs into standard office outlet, no special cooling required Standard platform for binary cluster applications Desktop 12-node cluster 28 Gf (peak) – 14 Gf (sust) $20K-$30K Deskside 96-node cluster 230 Gf (peak) – 110 Gf (sust) ~$170K price Orion Supercomputing

4 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion HW System Design All Orion workstations are based on a common processor board design. The Orion Processor Array or OPA™

5 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion Processor Array (OPA)

6 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary System Disk System display DVD drive 10gigE External CX4 HiGig, 12 gigE GigE Node 0 Node 11 … Optional Disk GigE Node 84 Node 95 … Optional Disk Optional Disk 12-node processor boards System Architecture 10gigE Switch gigE switch chip I/O boards

7 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion Linux Distribution based on Fedora Core 2 with cluster extensions special drivers for cluster architecture all nodes boot from head-node disk ROM-based, fast, cluster-boot program boots entire cluster in 1-2 minutes from a single system image creates a single computer Message Passing Interface (MPI) library standard platform for cluster applications; tuned to Orion network creates a standard cluster for programs other standard clustering packages supported: SGE, PVM Distributed storage subsystem PVFS2 cluster file system makes into a stand-alone computer with internal storage Software Integration

8 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Taking Advantage of Industry Trends

9 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Trends in Top 500 Supercomputers Clusters - 60% Linux - 67% X86 - 70% High Performance computing is migrating to away from proprietary systems to COTS components and standard x86 architecture Orion leads the supercomputing industry by creating standard platforms that integrate the best-of-breed in all these categories while focusing on reduced user complexity and the highest performance within the power envelope of a standard 15amp wall socket.

10 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Rise of cluster-based high-performance computers Clusters now seen as best way to do parallel computing (succeeding vector, SMP, and massively parallel) Very rapid performance improvements much faster than Moore’s Law lowest top500’s performance doubled in one year Development of cluster software and hardware standards x86 architecture and Gigabit Ethernet as software standards Linux and MPI as parallel programming APIs Clusters now cover a wide performance range From just above PCs to Blue Gene All different sizes, from 10 to 10,000s of nodes (bulk 8-100) Trends in High Performance Computing: Clusters

11 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary The current reality of mid-range clusters Ad hoc, custom built collections of boxes Hard for an individual to get exclusive access, or even to share access Power, space, and cooling intensive IT support required Current Clusters vs. Orion Advantage Orion Expertise and Advantages Cluster systems and board level design, Linux, HW/SW engineering Small, dense, low power platforms COTS design and systems level manufacturing reduces user acquisition costs Flexible platforms with wider usage model than white box integration and datacenter installations System level integration eliminates management complexity

12 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Deskside Configurations OPA 1 OPA 4 OPA 0 OPA 3 OPA 2 OPA 5 OPA OPA 6 mp DSFC OPA 7 12-port GigECX4 interface OPA boards can be added in increments of two. Standard configurations: 2 boards (24 nodes) 4 boards (48 nodes) 8 boards (96 nodes) Deskside has two expansion slots available for network options These can be populated by choosing any two expansion cards: CX4-10GigE interface card Up to 40GB/sec I/ 12-port GigE card HiGig interface card

13 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion Scalability Implementation Stacking solution uses interface boards based on CX4 standard (10GigE over copper)

14 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Current ISV and Partner Relationships Wolfram, BioTeam, Mathworks, Parallel Geo, Target Finders, Etnus, Abaqus Applications Extensive online application certification list: Examples: Acusim’s Acusolve-CFD, LS-Dyna, HMMER, AMBER, Gromacs, BLAST, mpiBLAST, NCBI-BLAST, LAMMPS, GAMESS, NAMD, FDS and many more Trade show support ISMB, ISC, Gecco Conference, NASA/DOD Conference Evolvable Hardware, SEG, SC2005 Partner and Industry Focus

15 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary The Orion Cluster Workstation with gridMathematica Orion Cluster Workstation Solution Bundle: DT12S-009 gridMathematica pre-installed on Orion “Together, Wolfram Research and Orion Multisystems provide everything you need to get started with technical and scientific supercomputing. The same parallel computations that you develop with gridMathematica will run without modification on a budget Orion Cluster Workstation or on a top 500 supercomputer.” said Peter Overmann, director of software technology at Wolfram Research. The Ultimate Technical Computing Platform The first quick way to set up and run large calculations by offering a high-level programming language, a vast collection of fast and reliable mathematical algorithms easy-to-use parallel programming constructs on the most cost effective cluster architecture on the market.

16 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Wolfram (gridMathematica) Scalable performance on Orion DT12 Orion performance and scalability for gridMathematica Vs. 4 cpu shared memory, Itanium 2 Vs. 16 cpu 1 GHz Apple Xserve, G4

17 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Orion DS96 Scalability and Price Performance At your desk or in your lab

18 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Customer Responses -------------------------------------------------- Subject: 12-machine From: "Trease, Harold E" Date: Wed, February 23, 2005 4:27 pm To: Wu: I got my 12-node Orion machine last Friday. It took all of about 15-minutes to unpack it, hook things up and run a parallel job. I spent the whole weekend just playing. Very slick. I am going to talk to Marc about getting a 96-node machine. Thanks for making the contact. Harold Trease PNNL --------------------- From: Bill Budd [] Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 10:20 AM To: Juli Nash Moultray Subject: Re: Target Finders at Anadarko - Friday morning Hi Juli The demo went really well. (Got our first parallel application running Wednesday night!) I wrote a little script to fire up 12 Xosviews at once for added wow factor and it seemed to have the desired effect, everybody very impressed with the D12. I hadn't though about the benefits of portability till I broke down the D12 system in the office, put it in the car, drove round to Anadarko and reassembled it. Total time excluding travel about 40 minutes. The ability to transport and deploy such a powerful system for field use (on seismic crews) is a fantastic boon for the oil industry. I must get myself a nice flight case for the D12! And as you know most of the seismic contractors use clusters (in itself a significant hardware market for you), so there are lots of seismic packages around capable of running on clusters which are already licensed into oil companies. Anyway, must close now, will talk to you again soon. And thanks to all the folks at Orion for a great product which has huge potential in the O+G sector. Cheers, Bill

19 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Slashdot ……. to Paul Harvey -New Scientist -Cnet -Eweek -HPC Wire -Federal Computing News -Information Week -Linux -EETimes -Yahoo News -Finance Canada -Wallstreet:Online -Computerwoche -Digital-Engineering Magazine -Golem Network News -PC Business -PC Magazine -PCgo -Pro-Linux -Vantage Link -Hardwarelabs -Maschinenmarkt Online -FML eXchange -Hoover's Online -Paul Harvey News

20 Orion Multisystems Confidential & Proprietary Advertising 2005

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