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Earthworm Facts The skinny on our wiggly friends.

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1 Earthworm Facts The skinny on our wiggly friends

2 I. Worm Anatomy A.Earthworms are invertebrates 1.They don’t have a backbone 2.They have no bones at all B.Earthworms have no eyes C.They sense where they are by smell and temperature

3 D. They’re covered with protective mucus E. They have bristles 1. called cilia 2. help them move through the soil

4 II. Reproduction A.Earthworms are hermaphroditic 1.Individuals are both male and female 2.They can mate with any other individual 3.But they can’t fertilize themselves B.They produce a packet of 4-20 eggs

5 III. Composting with Earthworms A.Earthworms are natural decomposers B.They break down organic waste C.This enriches soil by recycling nutrients

6 D. You can buy a composter or make your own E. What to feed your worms 1. fruit and vegetable scraps 2. coffee grounds and tea bags 3. egg shells 4. small amounts of: a. bread b. rice c. leaves and grass clippings

7 F. What not to feed your worms 1. meat 2. cheese or dairy 3. oily or greasy food

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