Manual on Disability Statistics Central Statistics Office Ministry of Statistics & PI Government of India New Delhi.

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1 Manual on Disability Statistics Central Statistics Office Ministry of Statistics & PI Government of India New Delhi

2 Background One of the mandates of the Central Statistics Office [CSO] is laying down norms and standards and evolving concepts, definitions, methodology and classification in relation to statistics. It was decided to prepare statistical manuals in respect of 24 subjects detailing concepts, definitions, classification procedures, compilation of data, estimating procedures, dissemination and other relevant explanatory notes, including methodological framework in the statistical indicators/statistics to make the manuals a comprehensive reference books.

3 Background Contd... So far, 17 manuals on various statistical indicators have been prepared. These are available on the MoSPI web-site:

4 Manual on Disability Statistics Manual on Disabilities Statistics is one of series of 24 manuals on statistical indicators brought out by the CSO. The basic purpose of this manual, like those of all other in the series, is; – to provide the users of disabilities data with a ready-to-use reference guide on methodological aspects of data (metadata) on disabilities based on harmonised concepts and – methodologies that facilitate international comparison and help in aggregation of statistics to derive meaningful conclusions.

5 Manual on Disability Statistics Contd.... –The other purpose of this manual is to provide the statistical offices both at the national and state levels with guidelines in the compilation of disabilities data. –The manual is expected to bring in harmonization in concepts, definitions and methodology of compilation of disabilities data.

6 Chapter Introduction It gives the idea about the need for preparation of a manual on disability statistics. It includes the policies of the Government of India towards welfare of persons with disability. It also includes various definitions prevailing at international level as also of Indian context. The definitions of disability as per medical model and social model have also been included in this chapter. Outline of the Manual

7 Chapter-1: Includes: The basic purpose of disability statistics and its importance for regular national statistics collection. The role disability statistics can play – in the area of policy making in each state – to monitor and assess their effectiveness, – in the analysis of cost effectiveness. This chapter also includes some specific reasons why national disability statistics and valid disability databases are essential. A brief on Persons with Disability (PWD) (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. A comparative statement of different definitions adopted in Census 2001, NSS Survey and PWD Act.

8 Chapter-2: This includes: The features of disability statistics collected through Census. The history of collection of data on disability/infirmity through population Censuses. The detail of data collection during Censuses 2001 and 2011, actual questions asked as well as the definitions and instructions used for these Censuses. A comparative statement showing a coverage of disability over the three censuses: 1981, 2001, 2011. Strengths and weaknesses of the data collection through Census.

9 Chapter-3: This chapter includes the features of disability statistics collected through National Sample Survey. This includes histories of surveys of disability, constraints, concepts and definitions used in the surveys. Methodology adopted in sample surveys on disability statistics is also given. It also includes the strengths and weaknesses of the data collected by sample surveys.

10 Chapter-4: It gives some measurement issues concerning comparability of estimates from surveys and censuses. It was observed that the estimates on disability statistics obtained from Census 2001 and National Sample Survey 2002 were not comparable due to variation in the definitions. A Technical Advisory Committee was constituted to review the conceptual framework and definition for measurement of disability. The recommendations of the Technical Advisory Committee on disability statistics have also been included in the manual.

11 Chapter-5: This includes the international scenario including a brief on Washington Group on Disability Statistics and International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

12 Annexures Annexure I : Questions: Household Schedule (Census of India – 2001). Annexure II : Questions: Household Schedule (Census of India-2011). Annexure III : Instructions for enumerators on disability (Census of India-2011). Annexure IV : Note on Sample Design and Estimation Procedure of NSS 58 th Round. Annexure V : Schedule 26 for Survey of Disabled Persons - NSS 58 th Round. Annexure VI : Some ICF terminology and definitions of disability. Annexure VI: Report of Technical Advisory Committee on Disability Statistics.


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