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3-4 6 th grade math Choosing the Best Bar Graph. Objective To choose the type of graph that best describes a set of numerical data and relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "3-4 6 th grade math Choosing the Best Bar Graph. Objective To choose the type of graph that best describes a set of numerical data and relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-4 6 th grade math Choosing the Best Bar Graph

2 Objective To choose the type of graph that best describes a set of numerical data and relationships. Why? To know which type of graph will show your information appropriately using the correct format.

3 California State Standards MR 2.4: Use a variety of methods, such as … graphs, tables, … and models, to explain mathematical reasoning. MR 3.0: Move beyond a particular problem by generalizing to other situations. MR 2.0: Use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions.

4 Vocabulary Line Graphs (single or double) – Show how a set of data change over time with the horizontal axis showing the passage over time. Bar Graphs (single or double) – Show specific numbers or comparison. Uses bars horizontally or vertically. Pictographs – Show specific numbers or comparison. Uses pictures for representation. Can Circle Graphs – Shows parts of a whole. It is easy to compare data by looking at the sizes of the regions of the circle.

5 How to Choose the Best Graph Choosing the best graph: 1)Look at the data that must be graphed. 2)Decide: which type of graph would be best to display the data? a) Bar graphs and pictographs show specific numbers, like totals for a year, or comparing (double). 3) Double check your choice.

6 How to Choose the Best Graph Choosing the best graph: 1)Look at the data that must be graphed. 2)Decide: which type of graph would be best to display the data? a) Line graphs show changes over time 3) Double check your choice.

7 How to Choose the Best Graph Choosing the best graph: 1)Look at the data that must be graphed. 2)Decide: which type of graph would be best to display the data? a) Circle graphs show parts to a whole. 3) Double check your choice.

8 Try It! 1)Which type of graph would be best to display data about comedy shows and dramas? 2)Which type of graph would be best to display data about the cost of tickets over 4 years? 1)Double bar graph 2)Line graph

9 Try Some More! 1)Which graph types could you use to display information about attendance over 4 years? 2)What type would NOT be best? 1)… Pictograph Line graph Bar graph 2) … Circle graph

10 Objective Review To choose the type of graph that best describes a set of numerical data and relationships. Why? You now know which type of graph will show your information appropriately using the correct format.

11 Independent Practice Complete problems 2-6 – You may complete this with a partner to talk about your work. For extra points, explain why… If still more time, work on Accelerated Math.

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