4-H Club Risk Management Creating Safe Environments while having Fun.

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Presentation on theme: "4-H Club Risk Management Creating Safe Environments while having Fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 4-H Club Risk Management Creating Safe Environments while having Fun

2 Objectives Strengthen 4-H volunteers abilities to –Identify, assess, and manage risks –Understand volunteer insurance coverage –Create safe environments for 4-H members

3 Safe Environments Effective clubs are active –Fun –Educational –Safe Comply with ISU policies Good stewards Protect Stakeholders

4 4-H Activity Risks Field Trips Recreation Camping Workshops Overnight Trips Shooting Sports Canoeing Winter activities Club meetings Fundraising Bake sales Transportation Service Learning County Fair

5 The Fun Trip Your 4-H club, the Willing Travelers, wants to take a recreational trip to Adventureland in Des Moines. The trip will be a one-day trip and most of the club members will attend, along with both leaders and several parents. Members want to invite non-4-H member family and friends to participate. You expect that approximately 35 – 40 people would attend.

6 Options Sure, tell the members OK. Don’t worry, be happy. Say OK, but only if someone else plans the trip. Contact your county extension office for help. No go. This trip is a disaster waiting to happen.

7 What are the risks/issues? Permission Youth Adults Transportation Non-Members Accident/injury Health/medical Physical activity Food/drink Age of participants Supervision Insurance

8 Basic Risk Management Identify Assess/Evaluate –Probability of occurrence –Seriousness of risk Manage –Select appropriate strategy –Implement chosen strategy Monitor and evaluate

9 Key Question “How bad would it be if something did happen, and if it would be bad, is it worth trying to prevent?”

10 How manage risk? Avoid – don’t do Insure Train Participation waivers Accept the risk Reduce Share Others

11 Risk Management Strategies Retain the risk Reduce the risk Share/Transfer the risk Avoid the risk

12 Retain Accept the risk Prepare for possibility of loss Normally used when consequence is minor

13 Reduce Change the activity or conditions Decrease likelihood of loss Reduce exposure Examples: –Screen volunteers –Train staff –Adequate supervision –Emergency management plan

14 Reduce Iowa State University requires for all youth programming: Emergency Plan First Aid Protocol –http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/page/4-h-risk-management

15 Share/Transfer Find someone else to share the risk or assume the risk Examples: –Insurance –Waivers of liability –Use commercial travel

16 Avoid Do not conduct the activity If risks too severe If consequences too great If risks cannot be reduced or shared –Then unacceptable to conduct the activity

17 Sharing Risk Permission forms – grants child permission from legal guardian to participate in activity Informed Consent – provides information about activity, guardian signature indicates they have read and understand Waiver of liability – voluntary surrender of a known right or privilege (e.g. right to sue) Combination

18 Insurance Coverage 4-H Members Basic accident coverage through AIL –$1/member/yr, required –Club members only –May include volunteers Horse project members $2/yr Does NOT include coverage for injuries during downhill winter sports

19 Special Activity Insurance Separate policy through AIL Activity/event specific Daily rate Can include non-members, guests Includes coverage for winter sports excluded under the $1/yr policy

20 Volunteer Insurance Personal liability protection through CAED commercial insurance policy Authorized volunteers Acting within scope of volunteer duties and responsibilities

21 Volunteer Insurance Auto Liability through commercial policy Authorized volunteers Excess liability only (over personal auto coverage) Does not include physical damage to vehicle or loss of contents

22 Volunteer Insurance Medical available through AIL –Same levels as for 4-H members –Confirm that volunteers are included in your county or club policy No Workers Compensation coverage

23 The Fun Trip Will the trip be permitted? What forms need to be completed? What screening, background checks? Insurance coverage? Special safety precautions?

24 Is the trip permitted? Yes, if… Planned as part of club program Approved by Extension Office Iowa 4-H risk management policies are followed –http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/page/4-h-risk-management

25 What forms? No additional for members and leaders Guests (including siblings and parents) will need to complete a Medical Information/Release form Consider using an informed consent form with all participants

26 Screening and Background Checks? If using private vehicles, check MVR of all drivers Check National Sex Abuse Registry for anyone designated as a “chaperone” for the event Proper supervision ratios

27 Insurance Coverage Members and club leaders have basic accident through $1/yr/member policy Special Activity policy needed for all others attending Limited liability coverage provided for volunteers using personal autos Liability coverage through county policy for approved volunteers

28 Special Safety Precautions Check transportation options Have emergency plan Have a First Aid Kit Plan for periodic “check-in times” Check insurance coverage on private vehicles Check health forms for conditions or medications Other

29 What changes if….. The event is an overnight trip? The amusement park is out-of-state? You want to rent vans instead of use personal vehicles?

30 Certificate of Insurance Information needed: –Name of event/activity (brief description) –Beginning and end dates of event/activity –Location of event/activity –Name and address of the outside entity requiring the proof of insurance –Distribution instructions –Date certificate is needed

31 In case of Incident Follow procedures! Execute your emergency plan! Document everything Represent 4-H and ISU interests Incident Report forms AIL claim forms

32 Practical Risk Management for 4-H Clubs Accident/medical insurance coverage Use Informed Consent forms Consider using vendors for service Screen all volunteers – ask extension staff for help Establish behavior expectations for participants

33 Practical Risk Management for 4-H Clubs Job descriptions for all volunteers Valid license and proof of insurance for all drivers Basic first aid kit Access to telephone Have emergency contact information available for participants

34 Practical Risk Management for 4-H Clubs Make an emergency plan –Health/accident –Safety –Weather –Expect the unexpected Adequate adult supervision

35 Practical Risk Management for 4-H Clubs Follow 4-H Club financial guidelines Age appropriate activities Survey location of event or activity –Remove hazards –Place locations off limits –Choose alternate location

36 Thank You Return and review Learning Guide Return Evaluation Use checklists to plan club activities Turn in club calendar annually to county Extension office for approval Thank you for being an Iowa 4-H Volunteer!

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