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DEFINITION Artificial stimulation of uterine contractions before spontaneous onset of labour with the purpose of accomplishing successful vaginal delivery
Induction Augmentation
it implies stimulation of contractions before the spontaneous onset of labor, with or without ruptured membranes. Augmentation It refers - intervention to correct slow progress in labor. * Correction of ineffective uterine contraction includes Amniotomy and/or Oxytocin infusion
Physiological background
cervical ‘ripening’ is a physiological process occurring throughout the latter weeks of pregnancy and is completed with the onset of labour. When delivery is necessary and ripening has not had time to occur, or has failed to be initiated, this natural process has to be accelerated.
Indications 1-Elective induction of labour
2-Indicated induction of labour Elective induction initiation of labor for the convenience of an individual with a term pregnancy which is free of medical indications.
Indicated Labor Induction INDICATIONS
MATERNAL Preeclampsia, eclampsia PROM Postterm pregnancy Abruptio placenta Chorioamnionitis Medical conditions-DM,Heart ds, Renal ds,Chr. HT etc FETAL IUFD Fetal anomaly incompatible with life Severe IUGR Rh isoimmunisation Macrosomia
PREREQUISITES Establish indication clearly Informed consent
Conformation of gestational age Assessment of fetal size & presentation (An engaged head in longitudinal lie). Pelvic assessment Cervical assessment (BISHOPs score) Availability of trained personnel
Preinduction Cervical Ripening
The condition of the cervix—or "favorability"—is important to the success of labor induction. One quantifiable method predictive of an outcome of labor induction is that described by Bishop (1964).
The Bishop’s score Cervix Head position -3 -2 -1 0 s c o r e s 0 1 2 3
Cervix position posterior middle anterior consistency firm medium soft effacement (%) 80 opening (cm) 5 Head position 5: unfavourable 6: favourable
Interspinal plane Interspinal plane Ischiadic spine
A score of 9 conveys a high likelihood for a successful induction
A score of 9 conveys a high likelihood for a successful induction. Most practitioners would consider that a woman whose cervix is 2 cm dilated, 80 percent effaced, soft, and midposition, and with the fetal occiput at -1 station would have a successful labor induction.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Severe degree CPD Major degree placenta praevia
Transverse lie Previous classical CS,Myomectomy Previous>= 2 LSCS Grand multiparity Active genital herpes Hypersensitivity to inducing agent
When to induce Recent studies have shown an increasing risk of infant mortality for births in 41st and particularly 42nd week of gestation, as well as a higher risk of injury to the mother and child . The recomended date for induction of labor has therefore been moved to the end of the 41 week of gestation in many countries
Method of induction
Breast/nipple stimulation Sexual intercourse Membrane stripping Amniotomy Acupuncture/acupressure MECHANICAL Balloon catheters Lamineria tents Synthetic osmotic dilators CHEMICAL NONHORMONAL Herbs,evening primrose oil Enemas Castor oil HORMONAL Oxytocin Prostaglandins –PGE2,Misoprostol Relaxin Nitric oxide donors mifepristone
Several effective methods of cervical ripening and induction of labour are used for initiating labour at or around term. Currently, medical expert consensus recommends the following: Sweeping the membranes Artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) Intravenous oxytocin (Syntocinon®)
Prostaglandins M/A : Act on the cervix to enable ripening by a number of different mechanisms. A relaxation of cervical smooth muscle facilitates dilation. prostaglandins allow for an increase in intracellular calcium levels, causing contraction of myometrial muscle..
Contraindications Known hypersensitivity to dinoprostone gel, Cervidil® pessary or its constituents (triacetin, colloidal silica or urethane) History of previous uterine surgery including caesarean section Dinoprostone gel - grand multiparity (five or more previous births) Signs of fetal compromise on cardiotocography Any contraindication to vaginal birth Cervidil® pessary is contraindicated in multiple pregnancy or if the fetus is in a non-vertex presentation
Dosage and administration
Intravaginal mode of administration Dinoprostone gel dosage The initial dose for dinoprostone (PGE2) gel is 2 mg per vaginam (PV) in nulliparous women with an unfavourable cervix , 1 mg PV for multiparous women o A second dose of 1-2 mg of dinoprostone (PGE2) gel may be administered 6 hours later o The maximum dose in a 12 hour period is 4 mg PGE2 for nulliparous women with an unfavourable cervix and 3 mg for all other women
Before procedure: o Complete 20 minutes CTG tracing that fulfils the hospital’s accepted criteria o Ensure the woman has emptied her bladder o Confirm maternal pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate and uterine activity meet accepted criteria o Abdominal palpation to confirm cephalic presentation o Vaginal examination to obtain a modified Bishop score
Cervidil® pessary (10-mg dinoprostone vaginal insert)
o Single dose of 10 mg of dinoprostone (releases a mean dose approximately 4 mg dinoprostone over 12 hours) slower release than gel shorten the interval from induction-to-delivery can be removed (when hyperstimulation occur
Cervidil® pessary precautions
Remove pessary if: o Uterine hyperstimulation occurs o Labour becomes established o After SROM or before AROM o Syntocinon® augmentation should not be commenced within 30 minutes of removal of Cervidil
After the procedure o Continue CTG monitoring for 20 minutes after insertion of dinoprostone gel / Cervidil® pessary. Discontinue CTG only if accepted criteria are met. o Perform regular observation of maternal pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate and FHR as indicated
Adverse effects o Gastrointestinal (e.g. nausea, vomiting), back pain, fever. o Increased intraocular pressure in women with a history of glaucoma o Uterine hypercontractility (more than five contractions in 10 minutes, or contractions lasting more than 2 minutes) o Placental abruption or uterine rupture o Very rarely, genital oedema and anaphylactic reaction
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) -Misoprostol (Cytotec) ` available as a 100 microg tablet for prevention of ulcer ` preinduction cervical ripening and labor induction → inexpensive stable at room temperature easily administered orally placed into the vagina but not cervix ` → intravaginal 25 microg every 3 to 6 hr
-tachysystole, meconium passage & aspiration
` if 50 microg dose, -tachysystole, meconium passage & aspiration increased c/sec rate (hyperstimulation) : prior uterine surgery – risk of uterine rupture then → not use Misoprostol
Mechanical tecnique Stripping of the Membranes
Stripping of the membranes causes an increase in the activity of phospholipase and prostaglandin as well as causing mechanical dilation of the cervix, which releases prostaglandins. performed by inserting the index finger as far through the internal os as possible and rotating twice through 360 degrees to separate the membranes from the lower segment
Contraindications: Low lying placenta Planned elective caesarean
Risks of this technique include infection, bleeding, accidental rupture of the membranes, and patient discomfort.
Artificial rupture of membranes (ARM)
ARM is a surgical procedure to induce or augment labour Amniotomy for induction :used to induce labor but, it implies a firm commitment to delivery :disadvantage -the unpredictable and occasionally long interval to to delivery
Amniotomy for augmentation
when spontaneous labor is abnormally slow ((dysfunctional labor with oxytocin- shortened labor by 44 minutes
Intravenous antibiotics in labour are recommended for
Women with clinically suspected chorioamnionitis Women with maternal Group B Streptococcal vaginal colonization So that Labour should begin within the next 12 hours and birth should occur within 18 hours to minimize the risk of ascending infection
Catheters. Use of the Foley catheter technique alone, in which catheters are passed through an undilated cervix before inflation, was shown to be as effective as use of PGE2 gel. The successful use of extra-amniotic saline infusion with a balloon catheter has also been reported foley catheter with 30cc ballooning -rapid improvement in Bishop score shorter labor -c/sec rate 4~46%
first polypeptide hormone synthesized following delivery to induce or augment labor Induction stimulation of contraction before the spontaneous onset of labor, with or without ruptured membranes Augmentation stimulation of spontaneous contractions that are considered inadequate because of failure of progressive dilatation and descent
: oxytocin is avoided -abnormal fetal presentation uterine overdistention (hydramnios, large fetus, or multiple fetus) high parity ( >6 ) myomectomy)) previous uterine scar -not contraindication → prior cesarean delivery dead fetus unless CPD
Methods by infusion pump avoid bolus only IV route
: methods – diluted into 1000ml of a balanced salt solution ( lactated Ringer solution) by infusion pump avoid bolus only IV route typically, 10~20 unit in 1000 ml (10,000~20,000mU → 10~20 mU/ml)
Interventions if Uterine Hyperstimulation or Fetal Distress Occur:
4-Give oxygen 6 to 10 l/min ( per protocol) by face mask. 1-Turn off immediately oxytocin infusion 5-Notify experience doctor 2-Turn woman on her left side. . 3-Increase primary I.V rate up to 200 ml/hr unless contraindicated.
Other Complications may Occur during Oxytocin Infusion:
In addition to hyper-stimulation of uterus and fetal distress those complications may occur: Ruptured uterus as a result of over-stimulation if any cephalopelvic disproportion present. Amniotic fluid embolism is rare which may caused by strong, tumultuous contractions. (usually occur in 3rd stage after placenta separation and with tetanic condition of uterus)
Oxytocin dosage comparison ACOG
low-dose → 1mU/min, interval 20 mins high-dose → 6mU/min, interval 20 mins Max 42mU/min if hyperstimulation, reduce 3mU/min this flexible high-dose protocol : delivery time ↓ forceps delivery ↓ chorioamnionatis ↓ neonatal sepsis ↓ but, c/sec ↑ (fetal disteress, 3% → 6%)
Recently explored methods
Antiprogestins Epostane, the 3ß-hydroxy dehydrogenase inhibitor, mifepristone, the progesterone receptor blocker, were shown to have a dramatic effect upon reducing induction to abortion intervals during second trimester therapeutic abortion
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate Intravenous dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS), which is transformed into oestrogens in the fetoplacental unit, has been explored as a possible cervical ripening agent, achieving effacement without inducing uterine contractions. Relaxin This polypeptide has been studied in humans, using purified porcine relaxin 1–4 mg in viscous gel vaginally or endocervically. It was hoped that it would have the same properties as exhibited in certain animal species. To date, there have been no well-conducted trials to determine its value for ripening the unfavourable cervix
Nitric oxide There have been a number of studies suggesting that nitric oxide is involved in the process of cervical ripening during the latter stages of pregnancy.
Failure leading to CS Uterine hyperstimulation Fetal distress,death Rupture uterus Intrauterine infection,sepsis
Iatrogenic delivery of preterm infant
Precipitate/dysfunctional labour Inc. risk of operative vaginal delivery Inc. risk of birth trauma Inc. risk of PPH
Failed induction Failed induction is defined as labour not starting after one cycle of treatment If induction fails, healthcare professionals should discuss this with the woman and provide support. The woman’s condition and the pregnancy in general should be fully reassessed, and fetal wellbeing should be assessed using electronic fetal monitoring.
For women who choose caesarean section after a failed induction,
. If induction fails, the subsequent management options include: • a further attempt to induce labour (the timing should depend on the clinical situation and the woman’s wishes) • caesarean section For women who choose caesarean section after a failed induction,
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