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Belgorod 2011 Group 41 IT Teacher Nathalie V. Zakharova.

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Presentation on theme: "Belgorod 2011 Group 41 IT Teacher Nathalie V. Zakharova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Belgorod 2011 Group 41 IT Teacher Nathalie V. Zakharova



4 Two Turtle Doves

5 Tree French Hens

6 Four Calling Birds

7 Five Gold Rings

8 Six Geese-a-Laying

9 Seven Swans-a-Swimming

10 Eighth Maids a Milking

11 Nine Ladies Dancing

12 Ten Lords a Leaping

13 Eleven Pipers Piping

14 Twelve drummers drumming


16  “ ““ “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” Charles Dickens L  Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas; Star and angels gave the sign. Christina Rossetti  “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” Hamilton Wright Mabic “ ““ “What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future, it is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.” Agness N. Pharo

17 by Florence Johnson

18 1.Which name does not belong to one of Santa’s reindeer ? a)C omet; b)P lancer; c)B litzen; d)K laxon.

19 2.The real St. Nicholas lived? a)a t the North Pole; b)o n the island of Malta; c)i n Turkey; d)i n Holland.

20 3.At Christmas, it is customary to exchange kisses beneath a spring of which plant? a)I vy; b)Y ew; c)H olly; d)M istletoe.

21 4.Who was the author of «A Christmas Carol»? a)M ark Twain; b)C harles Dickens; c)H ans Christian Andersen; d)T omas M. Sawyer.

22 5.Postmen in Victorian England were popularly called «robins». This was because: a)t he British postal service was Founded by Sir Robin Spence; b)t heir uniforms were red; c)t hey were famous for whistling as they made their rounds; d)t hey also delivered eggs.

23 6.Electric Christmas tree lights were first used in: a)1 492; b)1 895; c)1 944; d)1 916;

24 7.T he tradition of erecting a tree at Christmas is believed to have started in: a)E ngland; b)F rance; c)G ermany; d)N orway.

25 8.I n Victorian England, turkeys were popular for Christmas dinners. Some of the birds were raised in Norfolk, and taken to market in London. To pet then to London, the turkeys: a)w ere herded by sheep dogs; b)f lew; c)r ode in huge wagons called «turkey-vans»; d)w ere supplied with boos made of sackings or leather.

26 Snowflakes are Kisses sent from Angels


28 I Saw Three Ships



31 Wishing you the Gladness of Christmas, which is Hope, the Spirit of Christmas, which is Peace, the Essence of Christmas, which is Love. Of all The Merry Christmas Days You’ve known in old December, May this one be the happiest, The best you can Remember. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace. The gladness of Christmas give you hope. And the warmth of Christmas grant you love. Merry Christmas. Through a frosty winter night In a sleigh with reindeer flight Bringing joy to large and small Merry Christmas one and all. Another Day, another Month, another Year, Another Smile, another Tear, another Winter, A Summer too, But there will never be Another You! May Lovely, Happy Times Decorate this Time of the Season. May Warm, Special Memories brighten your New Year, May the Wonder of Christmas be with you Forever!



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