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Advertising Appeals Appealing to Emotions. Uses Advertising. Politics. Any place someone uses emotional appeals rather than logic to get something.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising Appeals Appealing to Emotions. Uses Advertising. Politics. Any place someone uses emotional appeals rather than logic to get something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising Appeals Appealing to Emotions

2 Uses Advertising. Politics. Any place someone uses emotional appeals rather than logic to get something.

3 In Advertising: Claims about the product It will change your life! It will meet an essential need! It will solve your problems!

4 Appeal to emotions: Especially for Instinctive Needs Survive Security Sex Altruism Curiosity Adventure Belonging Health

5 Appeal to emotions: Cultural Values Youth/beauty Entertainment Value $ Succeed Status Easy and convenient

6 Typical format: Parable Ad tells a story Person has problem Discovers product Problem solved

7 Assignment Find ads that appeal to instinctive and cultural values. Which group can find the most appeals?

8 Question Explain how the language and images in your ad create an emotional appeal. Be sure to identify the emotion.

9 Instinctive and Cultural Appeals Youth/beauty Entertainment Value $ Succeed Status Easy and convenient Survive Security Sex Altruism Curiosity Adventure Belonging Health

10 Assignment #2 Present your ad analysis to your group Group discuss, presenter note on back other appeals Group identify which appeals to present to class.Which group has the most types of appeals?

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