Disability Services: Working with Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC.

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2 Disability Services: Working with Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC

3 Presentation Overview Introduction The Law Deafness defined Communication tips Classroom accommodations Universal Design Lee College’s Office of Disability Services DO-IT Prof Project

4 Introduction In the U.S., 45 million adults with a disability 28 million with a hearing loss Understanding and support of faculty and staff is critical

5 The Law Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act “No otherwise qualified person with a disability shall, solely on the basis of disability, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance” The Americans with Disabilities Act Civil rights legislation which reaffirms the 504 regulations and brings new attention to disability issues and the rights of people with disabilities

6 Deafness Defined Beyond the audiogram Prelingual versus postlingual Implications on learning English Mode of Communication –Oral –American Sign Language National Information Center on Deafness

7 Communication Tips Even a small impairment will hamper understanding Get the person’s attention Face the person Make sure the person can clearly see your mouth and face Try to talk in a quiet area Speak and enunciate clearly and normally

8 Communication Tips (con’t) Use your voice, but don’t shout Use facial expressions and body language Be sensitive to whether the person is understanding Write technical or difficult vocabulary on the board Rephrase sentences Use paper/pencil or visual aids as necessary

9 Remember! Problems with English are common The interpreter’s role is to facilitate communication The best source of information is the student If the student is not watching, he or she is not listening

10 Classroom Accommodations Sign language interpreters Seating arrangements Provide written information as much as possible Repeat questions and comments of the other students Notetakers The Faculty Room

11 Using an Interpreter Rights and responsibilities Role of the interpreter Interpreter’s code of ethics Speak directly to the student Lee College Policy –If the student does not come or is late –If the interpreter does not come or is late

12 Other Support Services Relay Texas Tutoring Interpreting services outside the classroom Closed captioning E-mail

13 Universal Design Universal design in learning –new paradigm for teaching, learning, assessment, drawing on new brain research and new media technologies to respond to individual learner differences Examples: –Provide multiple representations of the material and means of expression –Provide multiple ways of motivating and engaging students Universal Design in Learning

14 Hard of Hearing Frustrations Lip-reading / facing the person FM loop system Self Help for the Hard of Hearing

15 Lee College’s Office of Disability Services History Process –required documentation –accommodation request –Faculty input

16 General Suggestions / Resources Statement in the syllabus Select materials early Referrals to Disability Services Office Faculty Guide Internet resources Postsecondary Education Consortium Internet resources related to hearing loss

17 DO-IT Prof Project National Project –Collaboration of 25 Colleges and universities and their partner schools Creation of Materials –Workshops –Internet/Web training –Videos/handouts

18 Conclusion Questions / Comments Evaluation rcoffman@lee.edu

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