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Study Skills for Success at School It can always be helpful to know some tips for studying…just in case you forgot. By: Paniz & Shahad in 6b.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills for Success at School It can always be helpful to know some tips for studying…just in case you forgot. By: Paniz & Shahad in 6b."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills for Success at School It can always be helpful to know some tips for studying…just in case you forgot. By: Paniz & Shahad in 6b

2 What to do at school…

3 Listen to the teacher. ( A l w a y s p a y a t t e n t i o n. )

4 Look at the teacher.

5 Take notes. It can come in handy on a test.

6 Ask questions.

7 Participate. Y o u c a n l e a r n / s h a r e s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n i n c l a s s.

8 What to do at home… Ways to keep away the distraction.

9 Read. Books/a rticles/n otes from school.

10 Review/Revise. Never hurts to revise!

11 Practice.

12 DO your H/W! I t i s j u s t w h a t y o u l e a r n t a t s c h o o l.

13 Get organized.

14 Make a schedule.

15 Study in 20 min slots. Y o u c a n t a k e 5 m i n b r e a k s b e t w e e n.

16 Use tools. Like a dictionary and calculator.

17 Shut out distractions. Like siblings/mobile s/computers.

18 Study at the same time and place !

19 Research.

20 Get help. From parents or tutors.

21 Conclusion. What we understand from all of all this is that if you work harder and give some more effort to your studies, you can achieve the grades and results you want in school.

22 The End

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