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Warm up!  With the people at your table, make a list of recyclable items.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up!  With the people at your table, make a list of recyclable items."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up!  With the people at your table, make a list of recyclable items

2 Recycling 24.2

3 Recycling  Reducing resource use by collecting usable waste materials and using them to produce new items  Many materials can’t be recycled  Can’t recycle completely

4 Benefits of Recycling  Reduce waste  Source of limited resources (steel, aluminum)  Prevents environmental damage from using new resources

5 Drawbacks of Recycling  Often more expensive than new resources  Consumer demand  Often more energy intensive than new resources

6 Recycling Paper  One of easiest to recycle  Less energy and less water than new paper from trees  Weakens each time it’s recycled


8 Recycling Aluminum  Natural- bauxite ore  Large amounts of energy/water to produce aluminum  Recycling reduces air pollution, water pollution, and energy by as much as 95%

9 Recycling Other Minerals  Glass  Iron  Steel  Silver  Copper  Lead  Zinc  Motor Oil  1L of motor oil can contaminate 1,000,000L of water  Uses 2/3 less energy to recycle motor oil than to refine it

10 Recycling Plastics  Made from petroleum  Difficult to recycle  Recycled by code  Recycled plastic is weaker  Dyes, filler, additives (separate)

11 Buzz Words  Pre-cycling  Free-cycling  E-cycling  Upcycling  Downcycling

12 Upcycling vs. Downcycling  Recycling and reusing to make new again  Makes the product BETTER- more valuable  EX: Playground equipment, clothing  Reclycing and reclaming to gather materials that would be trash  Makes the product WORSE- less valuable  EX: Paper, plastic

13 To do now:  NH Recycles Worksheet  Homework!  Read “Community Recycling” p.400 and answer questions #1-2.

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