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Welcome to... Christian Religious Education 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to... Christian Religious Education 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to... Christian Religious Education 2014

2 Christian Religious Education is based on the Bible

3 The Bible 66 Books 39 Books in the O.T. Cover the first 4,000 years 27 Books in the N.T. Cover the next 2,000+ God Became Man

4 The Bible is divided into ‘Books’, in the book 2 Timothy Then into Chapters, so in Chapter 3: then into verses, In Verse, 16 “Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live”.

5 The Bible Teaches Us Helps Us Corrects Us Shows us how to Live

6 The words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6: 63 When you read the Bible… You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

7 That is how God speaks to us, But But how do we speak to Him? Pray Requests Answers come Yes, no, & wait

8 King David Prayed King David Prayed in the book of Psalm, chapter 25: verses 4-9 ‘Show me your paths and teach me to follow; guide me by your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe, and I always trust you. Please, LORD, remember, you have always been patient and kind. Forget each wrong I did when I was young. Show how truly kind you are and remember me. You are honest and merciful, and you teach sinners how to follow your path. You lead humble people to do what is right and to stay on your path.

9 God had a plan for David to one day to be King of Israel. He chose to follow God & he was Israel’s greatest King

10 God had a plan for all the people of the world, and that plan includes U & Me! It’s called God’s Mega Plan

11 God’s Mega-plan God spoke and things happened, what a mystery He created the world out of nothing, you see The land and the sea, and Adam and Eve A mega-plan became a reality A1 UP T1

12 But things went so wrong, we messed things up God was angry but wasn’t about to give up He sent Jesus to earth as our rescue man All part of His great big mega-plan

13 And Jesus wants us to be His friend It’s the plan from the start, and it has no end Jesus wants us to be His friend For ever, for ever and ever

14 We needed real help, so Jesus pitched in He died for our sin then He rose again So when God looks at us, He sees Jesus instead The mega-swap’s given us life again

15 And Jesus wants us to be His friend It’s the plan from the start, and it has no end Jesus wants us to be His friend For ever, for ever and ever

16 And Jesus wants us to be His friend It’s the plan from the start, and it has no end Jesus wants us to be His friend For ever, for ever and ever Copyright © C E P. Used by permission.

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