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MEA Power Company Leading producer in bio-fueled cars. Bierbower Town, Ohio.

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1 MEA Power Company Leading producer in bio-fueled cars. Bierbower Town, Ohio

2 Bio-feuls are a wide range of fuels that are made from biomass, or organic matter. It has been gaining popularity because of the rising of gas/oil prices. Another form of bio-fuel is biodiesel which is made form vegetable oil, animal fats, or recycled greases.

3  With Bio-fuels, he United States wouldn’t have to rely on other countries for oil.  Having bio-fuels can cut gas bills in half.  It is non-toxic and biodegradable.  It doesn’t require many changes (if any at all) to your car and/or other utility places.  Decreases carbon levels by 50-60%.

4  Some bio-fuels use certain yellow greases that can clog filters; to stop this we will be extremely specific in the types of oils and grease that goes into our cars.  The machinery isn’t normally powered by bio-fuels, so it emits carbon. To stop this we will make sure all of our machines are bio- fueled.  Setting aside land for biofuel crops means less land for food production. Ohio has enough open land for both of them.

5  Bio-fuel has potential lethal chemicals.  The price of foods may increase.  An environment problem is pollutants like particulates and PAH (polycyclic aromatic nydrocarbons)

6  Bio-fuel, now, has very good savings and cost efficiency.  In the future if more people tend to use it the price will steadily increase.

7  It is the only fuel to successfully complete the Health Effects Testing requirements. So, it does not pollute the air.

8 A bio-diesel or bio-fuel car is a car that runs primarily on renewable fuel sources.  Benefits of this are: Sources, like animal fats and vegetable oil, can be found almost everywhere. You can grow your own fuel.  Almost every brand out there has a biodiesel brand car. For example: Jeep, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz and Dodge have biodiesel cars.

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