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Occupational hazards in the workplace

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1 Occupational hazards in the workplace
Faridahani Haji Isahak

2 Learning objectives What is a/an Hazard Risk Exposure
What are the types of occupational hazards?

3 Hazard Potential of an agent to cause harm

4 Exposure Contact with a Hazard is called Exposure
Exposure is a combination of Magnitude Frequency Duration

5 Risk Likelihood that an agent will cause harm in the actual circumstances of exposure RISK occurs only when there is Exposure Hazard

6 Health Risk = Hazard x Exposure

7 Health Risk = Hazard x Exposure
No Hazard = No Risk Hazard, but no Exposure = No Risk Health Risk = Hazard x Exposure

8 HAZARDS AT WORKPLACE Physical Chemical Biological Psychosocial
Ergonomics Mechanical

9 The potential to cause harm to health
Classes of Hazards Health hazard The potential to cause harm to health Chemical Psychological These are the five categories of hazards that are addressed in the HRA process. Can the group give an example from their own work environment for each of them? Ergonomic Physical Biological

10 Occupational Hazards Fungi Insects Viruses Repetitive movement
Bacteria Fungi Insects Viruses Manual handling Repetitive movement Restrictive working area Noise Vibration Radiation Lighting Heat Cold Fibres Dusts BIOLOGICAL ERGONOMICAL PHYSICAL CHEMICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Fumes Gases Aerosols Mists Liquids Vapours Job stress Job monotony Unsociable hours Job organization

11 Physical hazards

12 Physical hazards Fall from heights e.g. scaffolding, high building
Slips and trips Objects falling from cranes Dangerous heavy machinery Electrocution Confined spaces


14 Physical agents

15 NOISE Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Mental irritability & fatigue
Noise can increase blood pressure Interference with communication can lead to accidents eg. Carpentry, quarry, construction workers

16 EXTREME TEMPERATURES HEAT COLD Heat Stress Heat Stroke Cataract
eg. hot oven workers, glass manufacturing Hypothermia Frostbite (freezing soft body tissue) eg. cold storage workers

17 RADIATION Ionising Radiation Non-Ionising Radiation Ultra-violet light
X-ray, Gamma, Alpha & Beta particles eg. radiology staff, nuclear plant, radium workers Health effects: Cancer – lung, bone, thyroid Congenital abnormalities Leukaemia Ultra-violet light

18 Chemical hazards

19 CHEMICAL HAZARDS Solvents Dusts (sand, asbestos, cotton) Paints
Pharmaceuticals Pesticides Metal fumes Acids & Alkali which may be present in the working environment as gases, vapours, mists/aerosols, fumes, dusts, liquids or solids.

20 SOLVENTS Neuropathy (n-hexane,TCE) Dermatitis Kidney damage
Liver damage/toxic jaundice –hepatitis Anaemia, leukaemia -benzene

21 DUST Asbestosis Sand dust(silica) – silicosis Cotton dust – byssinosis
Vegetable/plant dust – hypersensitive pneumonitis, bronchial asthma


23 PAINTS Paint contain petroleum solvents.
Paint contain Lead pigments (Pb poisoning) → anaemia, neuropathy, kidney damage

24 PESTICIDES Chronic headache Memory impairment Skin Diseases Cancer
eg. Agricultural workers, pest sprayers

25 METAL FUMES Lead, mercury e.g. welders Health Effects: Cancer
Kidney damage Neuropathy Metal fume fever

26 GASES Carbon monoxide, sulphur Health Effects
Respiratory irritation Asphyxia e.g. coal miner, sewerage, tunnel, laboratory workers

27 Biological hazards

28 BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS Bacteria Fungi – mold
Virus – Bird Flu, Influenza, SARS Blood-borne pathogen - HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis Tuberculosis e.g. farmers, health care workers, animal handlers

29 Psychosocial hazards

30 Psychosocial hazards Work-related stress – excessive working time, overwork, burnout Bullying – emotional, verbal Sexual harassment Violence at work Body odour Health effects: Occupational Stress, Anxiety, Depression Cardiovascular Disorders, GI Disorders Drug abuse, smoking

31 ERGONOMIC FACTORS Working postures / chairs Space per work shift
Working surface height Reach / machine feeding Space between machines Strenous physical load

32 ERGONOMIC FACTORS Lifting heavy loads/frequent bending/repetitive & monotonous work Design of tools Displays and instructions Mental overload / visibilty

33 Health Effects Musculo-skeletal disorders
Backache/back strain/neck strain Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) Carpel tunnel syndrome e.g. factory workers, Health care workers, electronic, garment workers, VDU operators

34 MECHANICAL HAZARDS Outdated machines Unsafe designs
Complex / sophiscated machinery Poor maintenance Slippery /wet floors Health effects: cut/crush injuries,fractures,fb eye


36 SAFETY/OTHER HAZARDS Flammable substances - fire
Flammable gases - explosion Electricity overload, inadequate insulation - electrocution




40 Thank you The End

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