Facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout View photos of U2 Send U2 a message Artist/Band Website WWW.U2.COM WWW.U2.COM Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos.

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1 facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout View photos of U2 Send U2 a message Artist/Band Website WWW.U2.COM WWW.U2.COM Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Write something… Share Information Friends Genre(s): Post-Punk, Rock Members: Paul Hewson, Dave Evans, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen Jr. Hometown: Dublin, Ireland Record Label: Island Records Current Location: Europe Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos U2: Listen to our new lead single coming this October called “Beautiful Day” in the album “All That You Can’t Leave Behind.” August 19, 2000 U2 : Getting ready to leave for the tour in Johannesburg, South Africa. Still not too late to purchase tickets! Audrey Dunbar: I love the guitar solos and vocals in this song! It is by far my favorite by U2. The dynamics are very impressive as well, I love how it starts very slow and quiet, then builds speed and intensity. The Rolling Stones Coldplay The Who Bob Dylan Buddy Holly U2 : Yes! The harmonies in this song make it truly unique along with the tempo changes from slow to fast. Audrey Dunbar: The melodies remind me of springtime, and the dynamics and base guitar really give you a picture of what is being described in the song. My favorite part is the ending where they say “What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel somehow, What you don't have you don't need it now, Don't need it now, Was a beautiful day.” It tells me that the theme of this song is that you should try to make the best of every day, no matter what.

2 Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Detailed Information Basic Information Genre(s): Post-Punk, Incorporates today’s popular music Members: Paul “Bono” Hewson, Dave Evans, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen Jr. Instruments Played: Paul Hewson (Lead Vocals), Dave Evans (Guitar, Keyboard), Adam Clayton (Bass), Larry Mullen Jr. (Drums) Hometown: Dublin, Ireland Record Label: Island Records Current Location: Europe Formed: 09/25/76 Disbanded: Active Band Member Biography: Paul Hewson (5/10/60), Dave Evans (8/8/61), Adam Clayton (3/13/60), Larry Mullen Jr. (10/31/61) Hit Albums/Years: Joshua Tree/1987, War/1982 Hit Songs/Years: With or Without You- 1987, Mysterious Ways- 1991 Awards/Achievements: 1978- Won a talent contest in Ireland Fun Facts: U2 was called “Feedback “until 1977, then later changed it to “Hype” before they came up with the name U2. Contact Information Official Band Website : WWW.U2.COMWWW.U2.COM Citations For Research: McIntosh, Kenneth. Pop Rock Superstars of Yesterday and Today- Pop Rock. Broomall, Pa: Mason Crest Publishers, Inc., 2008. Print.. "U2 Biography." The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum-. 2011. Web. 24 Jan. 2011.. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Adam_Clayton_2005_Wien _v1.jpg http://muzicmaniaxed.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Dave-Evans.jpg View photos of U2 Send U2 a message Artist/Band Website: WWW.U2.COM WWW.U2.COM Information Friends Genre(s): Post-Punk, Rock Members: Paul Hewson, Dave Evans, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen Jr. Hometown: Dublin, Ireland Record Label: Island Records Current Location: Europe U2: Getting ready to leave for the tour in Johannesburg, South Africa. Still not too late to purchase tickets! facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout The Rolling Stones Coldplay The Who Bob Dylan Buddy Holly

3 Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos U2 : Getting ready to leave for the tour in Johannesburg, South Africa. Still not too late to purchase tickets! facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout Photos of Artist/Band Artist/Band’s Albums The Edge The Band Profile Pictures Album Covers Dave EvansLarry Mullen Jr.

4 Featured Video facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosArtist/Band NameLogout Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Video Featured Songs U2: Getting ready to leave for the tour in Johannesburg, South Africa. Still not too late to purchase tickets! Citations Beautiful Day Vertigo McIntosh, Kenneth. Pop Rock Superstars of Yesterday and Today- Pop Rock. Broomall, Pa: Mason Crest Publishers, Inc., 2008. Print.. "U2 Biography." The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum-. 2011. Web. 24 Jan. 2011.. http://muzicmaniaxed.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Dave-Evans.jpg

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