10 June 2004 Protocols for Long-Distance Networks Terena Networking Conference 2004 Rhodes.

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1 10 June 2004 Protocols for Long-Distance Networks Terena Networking Conference 2004 Rhodes

2 2 Overview  The PFLDnet research area  The PFLDnet Workshop series  Selected results from PFLDnet'04  Reflections  http://www-didc.lbl.gov/PFLDnet2004/

3 3 The PFLDnet Research Area  Protocols for Fat Long-Distance Nets Sustaining high-speed flows over wide areas is: –Difficult –Important Difficult due to difficulty of managing large numbers of in-flight packets Important due to need for scientists around the world to share information  After a period of relative neglect, PFLDnet is now a vibrant research area

4 4 A little more on why it's hard  In Van Jacobson's 1988 paper: “...insensitive to [noncongestive] loss until the loss rate is on the order of one packet per window.”  Then: a window was 8 packets.  Now: a window is about 83,000 packets (10,000 km at 10 Gb/s with 1500-byte packets)  So noncongestive packet loss must be less than 0.0012%

5 5 A little more on why it's important  Many international scientific research collaborations need to transmit data at several multiples of 10 Gb/s over distances at/above 10,000 km. High-energy physics Radio astronomy Biomedical informatics  How to support these applications in a scalable sustainable way is a key challenge for our community.

6 6 The PFLDnet Workshop Series  CERN Geneva -- Switzerland February 3-4, 2003  Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, Illinois -- USA February 16-17, 2004  Early planning for spring 2005 in Europe

7 7 Selected results from PFLDnet'04  Improved algorithms for TCP FAST: Caltech H-TCP: Hamilton Institute, Ireland HSTCP-LP: Rice University and SLAC Also: HS-TCP, BiC-TCP, and S-TCP  Non-TCP but in shared IP context  Testing and evaluation  Exploring non-shared contexts

8 8 Critique of 'standard' AIMD TCP  Too cautious: only increases cwnd by one packet per RTT interprets every loss as congestion hence take several tens of minutes to recover in a PFLnet environment hence cannot fully utilize the bottleneck link  Too brutal: keeps growing cwnd until the queue in the bottleneck router overflows hence massive queues rise and fall in routers not good for other jitter-intolerant traffic

9 9 FAST: Delay-based Algorithms  Steven Low, Cheng Jin, et al. at Caltech  Consider TCP as a control system TCP sender injects a data rate signal Network provides delay and loss feedback  Uses measured delay effectively to maintain a moderate-sized queue hence better for other applications and keeps the bottleneck link fully utilized  Careful attention to stability / fairness

10 10 H-TCP: Rapid recovery of cwnd  DJ Leith and RN Shorten at Hamilton Inst  Focus on the AI part of AIMD in high- speed regimes: use a quadratic function of time since last loss instead of a constant as the increase in cwnd  Consistent with standard AIMD in other regimes  Careful study of synchronization issues

11 11 HSTCP-LP: Combining High-speed and Low-priority  A Kuzmanovic and E Knightly at Rice, with L Cottrell at SLAC  Builds on earlier TCP-LP work AIMD but defer to other traffic [Infocom 03]  Builds on Floyd's HSTCP  Careful use of one-way delay measurements via TCP timestamp option  Effectively uses bottleneck link, but defers to other TCP traffic

12 12 Other TCP Algorithms Work  HSTCP: Floyd of ICIR conservative improvement on AIMD  BiC: Rhee of North Carolina State binary search for the right cwnd value  Scalable TCP: Kelly of Cambridge an aggressive MIMD approach

13 13 Selected results from PFLDnet'04  Improved algorithms for TCP  Non-TCP but in shared IP context UDT: Univ Illinois Chicago XCP: MIT and USC-ISI eVLBI-specific: MIT  Testing and evaluation  Exploring non-shared contexts

14 14 UDT: Congestion Control over UDP  Y Gu and R Grossman at UI-Chicago  Observation: even once a new TCP stack is created, deployment is hard  Idea: implement a good congestion control algorithm within a subroutine library using UDP kernel services  Also, rate-based algorithms with estimates of available bandwidth

15 15 XCP: Leveraging future router cooperation  D Katabi at MIT, with A Falk et al. at USC-ISI  Posit advanced cooperation by the bottleneck router hence stable moderate-sized queues and full use of bottleneck link with very rapid convergence  This will take time to get right and then deploy, but clearly a compelling idea

16 16 eVLBI-specific work  J Wroclawski, D Lapsley, and A Whinery at MIT ( CS and Haystack Observatory )  eVLBI: two or more physically separated radio telescopes correlating data from deep- space objects in real time ( very cool !! )  Needs: consistent high data rates, but can tolerate some packet loss  Edge Guided Adaptive Endpoint: innovative application-specific algorithms to optimize eVLBI efficacy

17 17 Selected results from PFLDnet'04  Improved algorithms for TCP  Non-TCP but in shared IP context  Testing and evaluation Techniques: Lawrence Berkeley Lab Evaluations: SLAC, Internet2, Manchester, UCL  Exploring non-shared contexts

18 18 Techniques to strengthen testing  B Tierney and J Lee at LBL  Make use of techniques that allow: testing of multiple paths on multiple days use well-considered statistics controlled experiments  Network Tool Analysis Framework

19 19 Evaluations  L Cottrell at SLAC, R Hughes-Jones at Manchester, and H Bullot at EPFL  Tested many TCP stacks throughput sensitivity to distance stability and fairness  Several shown to be promising including BiC, FAST, HSTCP-LP

20 20 Evaluations  S Shalunov of Internet2  Tested FAST within Internet2 context showed three 1-Gb/s paths easily saturating the OC-48 circuit from Abilene to Georgia Tech in the presence of production Internet2 traffic the high-speed FAST flows do not disrupt conventional traffic

21 21 Selected results from PFLDnet'04  Improved algorithms for TCP  Non-TCP but in shared IP context  Testing and evaluation  Exploring non-shared contexts Group Transport Protocol: UC San Diego VBTP: Univ Virginia IP-QoS for TCP: Univ College London

22 22 Group Transport Protocol: Rate-based protocols for Grids  R Wu and A Chien at UCSD  Emphasis on Multipoint-to-Point support in a lambda-grid environment  Dynamic lambdas over the wide area  Need for flows from several sources to converge at the site of a grid computation  Rate-based protocols the best approach in this environment

23 23 VBTP: Scheduling file transfers on dynamic optical networks  Veeraraghavan and Zhang at Univ Virginia, Feng at Los Alamos, Lee at Polytechnic, and Chong and Li at Colorado State Univ  Circuit-switched networks may make it difficult to fully utilize available capacity for a given task  VBTP designed as a rate-based scheme to schedule circuit resources effectively in support of file transfers

24 24 IP-QoS for TCP  Donato, Li, Saka, and Clarke at Univ College London  Idea: Use IP-QoS as a means of combining dependability of TCP bulk flow rates with protection of interactive traffic from over-aggressive TCP flows  Even with this help, transport protocols will need to be improved for PFLDnet environments

25 25 Reflections  Making effective use of high-speed wide-area networks is crucial for international collaborative research  Current TCP algorithms were not designed to support anything like the current 10,000 km 10-Gb/s combinations we now face

26 26  There is now renewed vitality in the PFLDnet research area  This will lead to (at least) two key benefits enable dramatic improvements in the effective use of high-speed wide-area network infrastructure clarify the boundary of applicability of shared packet- switched vs dedicated circuit-switched networks

27 27  Closing reference to Internet2's Land Speed Record rewards heroism in wide-area high-speed TCP flows figure of merit: product of b/s rate times distance  Single-stream IPv4 TCP record current: 4.2 Gb/s over 16,343 km previous: 5.6 Gb/s over 10,000 km  Can we make these performance levels normative in high-end networks?

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