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What is CPD? Complete the sentence on your mini whiteboard Compare your answer with what others have written CPD is ….

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Presentation on theme: "What is CPD? Complete the sentence on your mini whiteboard Compare your answer with what others have written CPD is …."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is CPD? Complete the sentence on your mini whiteboard Compare your answer with what others have written CPD is ….

2 Recording CPD Peer learning follow up

3 Objectives In this session we will: consider what is recognised as CPD by the Institute for learning see, try out and start using the new CPD record form review CPD activities this term If we have time… think about how to build on this term’s activities in the coming term

4 Institute for Learning What are the requirements? ‘demonstrate a commitment to Continuing Professional Development’ 30-hours CPD per year The IfL promotes a CPD model based on reflective practice

5 What do they think CPD is? CPD is defined as any activity which has an impact on your teaching. It should not be limited to attendance on structured courses; rather it should include a range of professional development activities to balance all of a teacher's commitments. From FAQs on IfL website From CPD Information page of IfL website

6 Which of these are CPD? A discussion about a student’s behaviour in class with another colleague over lunch in the canteen devising strategies for dealing with it. Reading an article in the Guardian about changes in Further Education funding. Observing a colleague’s lesson. A team meeting where a group of teachers share a form with drop-down boxes for ease of report writing. An idea you have for creating some new learning materials for your subject area. Attending a driver improvement course as required by the authorities after jumping a red light. An accredited course in learning how to teach numeracy run by South Bank University. An external training course updating your professional/vocational skills. e.g. A snap-on tester course.

7 How can this be so? Almost anything we do in our professional lives could be considered CPD but we need to reflect on its impact for it to be genuinely developmental and record these impacts if it doesn’t lead to an accredited qualification.

8 Here comes a handy diagram

9 Context Appraisal or Review Peer LEARNER External Inspection Self Assessment Policy Initiatives External Networks Professional Knowledge Curriculum Networks Emerging Technology Professional Body Membership Support Agencies Organisational Priorities Teaching & Learning Professional Knowledge Emerging Technology Professional Body Membership Awarding Bodies SSCs Subject Specialism Dual Prof P1 P2 CPD A Model for Professionalism

10 Summary of handy diagram Try for a balance over time between Subject specialism updating Teaching and learning development Context specific training (NB: these are referred to at ‘tags’) You don’t have to balance them all in one year, but over time.

11 Link to SCAT Training course

12 What have you done this term? Task 1 Quickly write CPD activities you have done on post-its. Work in groups if it helps or individually. Tell your partner how these activities have ‘impacted on your teaching’ Task 2 Open the CPD record form on the intranet or SCAT Training Programme VLE course and start your CPD log. (refer to example for ideas about what to write)

13 Finally Talk to someone else in the room and decide: How and when you are going to finish reflecting on this term’s CPD; What CPD activities you would like to undertake next term –What training do you want the college to provide? –What peer learning activities you want to experiment with? –What external training would you benefit from? Please let us know what we can do to support your CPD

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