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Thais help US stem Internet sales of medicines Do you think this article will be about encouraging or controlling the sale of medicines on the Internet?

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Presentation on theme: "Thais help US stem Internet sales of medicines Do you think this article will be about encouraging or controlling the sale of medicines on the Internet?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thais help US stem Internet sales of medicines Do you think this article will be about encouraging or controlling the sale of medicines on the Internet? What are the disadvantages of making medicines available on the Internet.

2 Thais help US stem Internet sales of medicines

3 However, many people have started to purchase these drugs by e-mail, from pharmacies and dispensaries either in America or in (50).

4 Paragraph 1 or 3. Our first instinct might be “Thailand” but this is not possible since there are 2 blanks. Para.1:“U.S. gvt. Officials recently shut down foreign Web-sites involved in … selling cheap medicines.” Middle of para. 3: “… cooperation with law- enforcement agencies in other countries which have online pharmacies.” (50) other/foreign countries

5 In response, the US President has supported moves to (51) Internet drug sales by US pharmacies or dispensaries.

6 Paragraph 4 “In December 1999, President Clinton urged Congress to regulate the sale of drugs over the Internet” (51) regulate

7 However, he has not addressed the potentially (52) of overseas suppliers, who may supply such drugs.

8 Paragraph 4 “However, Mr. Clinton did not say what he would do about foreign online pharmacies, which may pose bigger problems …” Easy. Copy from Version 1 (52) Bigger problem/problems

9 This kind of illegal activity has led to the coining of a new term: “(53)”.

10 In response, the US President has supported moves to (51) Internet drug sales by US pharmacies or dispensaries.

11 This kind of illegal activity has led to the coining of a new term: “(53)”. Difficult to find – para. 6 “Investigators at the US Customs Service report that the agency intercepted many drug shipments … in the war on ‘cybersmuggling’”. One of the uses of quotation marks is to identify words that are made-up and don’t really exist. (53) cybersmuggling

12 They are very (54) with the cooperation they have received from Thai authorities.

13 Paragraph 2 “American officials say they alerted Thai authorities to the problem and received excellent cooperation from Thai narcotics officers and police officers, … “They are very” tells us that we are probably looking for a word which will describe how they felt. The cooperation was excellent so how do you think they felt? (54) pleased/happy/ etc.

14 Six US customers of a Thai online pharmacy have (55). Customs … do not regard these buyers as (56) but say that they know they are acting illegally.

15 (55) Paragraph 1. “Six people were arrested in the US for buying products from a Thai online pharmacy.” Paragraph 9: “…investigators arrested at least six people who had bought drugs from Vitality.” Version 1 uses the simple past, but “have” indicates that we’re using the present perfect in Version 2. (55) been arrested.

16 Six US customers of a Thai online pharmacy have (55). Customs … do not regard these buyers as (56) but say that they know they are acting illegally. (56) Paragraph 9 “These are not major smugglers, but they generally know that what they’re doing is illegal …” Both version are quite similar. (56) major smugglers

17 Other US Government action has included (57) overseas Web-sites supplying these products.

18 Paragraph 1 “US Government officials recently shut down foreign Web-sites involved in … selling cheap medicines and prescription drugs over the Internet …” Version 2 can be confusing because it makes it sound like the US Gvt. Likes overseas Web- sites supplying these products. What have they done to fight these Web-sites? (57) shut down

19 They have carried out (58) on a number of (59) and (60) and arrested more than twenty people.

20 Paragraph 2 “American and Thai officials say they raided offices and warehouses used by online pharmacies in Bangkok …” (58) must be a noun. “on a number” is a clue that everything will be plural. (58) raids (59) offices (60) warehouses

21 They (61) computers, drug orders about to be mailed to the US, and millions of (62) of pharmaceutical products.

22 Paragraph 2 “They seized 20 computers, 245 parcels ready for shipment to the United States and more than 2.5 million doses of drug products”. What did they do to the computers and drug orders? (61) seized 2.5 million = millions Drug products = pharmaceutical products (62) doses

23 A major (63) of the Thai-US operation was Vitality, a company which offered cures for a wide variety of problems, …

24 Paragraph 6 “One of the main targets of the Thai raids was a Bangkok company called Vitality Health Products …” One of the main = a major “One of ” presupposes that there are many. We need to use the singular in Version 2. (63) target

25 Vitality appeared (64) its drugs from a legitimate pharmacy.

26 Paragraph 8 “… Vitality filled Internet orders with drugs which they obtained from what appeared to be a legitimate pharmacy in Bangkok.” “appeared” will be followed by to- infinitive. (64) to obtain

27 However, the (65) they used was clearly designed to avoid detection by law-enforcement officials.

28 Paragraph 8 “This packaging is without a doubt intended to deceive the authorities.” Deceive the authorities = avoid detection by law-enforcement (65) packaging

29 Without the (66) of doctors, people may take unsafe combinations of drugs.”

30 Paragraph 9 “… some of Vitality’s customers were taking dangerous combinations of drugs without a doctors supervision.” Easy. Both versions are quite similar. (66) supervision

31 The drugs may also be dangerous because the (67) in some overseas pharmacies is not strict enough to ensure the drugs are not (68).

32 Paragraph 9 “… the imported drugs were potentially dangerous because the controls over the quality were minimal. The drugs may be laced with all sorts of contamination” What two words can mean “controls over the quality”? (68) quality control The word must be an adjective that will describe what the drugs might be. (68) contaminated

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