ENTRANT, ATTENDANT & QUALIFIED PERSON TRAINING. COURSE OVERVIEW Introduction and Purpose Defining a Confined Space Locations and Types of Confined Spaces.

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Presentation on theme: "ENTRANT, ATTENDANT & QUALIFIED PERSON TRAINING. COURSE OVERVIEW Introduction and Purpose Defining a Confined Space Locations and Types of Confined Spaces."— Presentation transcript:


2 COURSE OVERVIEW Introduction and Purpose Defining a Confined Space Locations and Types of Confined Spaces Primary and Secondary Hazards Responsibilities The Confined Space Permit

3 COURSE OVERVIEW Break Atmospheric Testing Special Entry Permits Emergency and Rescue Procedures Video Presentation Field Exercises Adjourn

4 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 1.6 Million Employees Work in Confined Spaces Each Year Serious Injury or Death Can Result From Asphyxiation Engulfment Electric Shock Falls Heat Stress

5 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OSHA Estimates That 85% of Confined Space Accidents Are Preventable!

6 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE Prevention of Serious Injury Hazard Recognition Understanding the Confined Space Procedures OSHA/PEOSHA Compliance

7 THE REGULATIONS Primarily: Confined Space Entry NJAC 12:100-9, and Permit Required Confined Space Entry 29CFR1910.146 But Also: Respiratory Protection Hazard Communication Lock Out Tag Out, etc.

8 DEFINING A CONFINED SPACE In Order to Be a Confined Space, It Must Be Constructed So That: A Person Can Bodily Enter And It Has Limited Openings And It Is Not Designed for Continuous Occupancy

9 DEFINING A CONFINED SPACE If The Confined Space Has the Potential to Contain a Hazard Toxicity (Oxygen Deficiency, Toxic Gasses) Engulfment Asphyxiation Entrapment Extreme Physical Injury Any Other Significant Hazard It is a “Permit Required Confined Space”

10 DEFINING A CONFINED SPACE Many Spaces Are Hazardous but Not a “Confined Space” Limited Openings Openings That May Restrict Entry And/or Egress Limit the Movement of Equipment Hinder the Performance of Rescue

11 DEFINING A CONFINED SPACE Hazardous Condition May Include Large Open Top Spaces That May Have Unfavorable Ventilation Movement of Mechanical Devices Irregular Shape (Sloping Floors)

12 CONFINED SPACE PROGRAM Identify All Confined Spaces Training Labeling Entry Procedure Authorization Identify Responsible Individuals Hazard Identification

13 CONFINED SPACE PROGRAM Environmental Monitoring Oxygen Percentage of Lower Explosivity Level Toxic Gases Ventilation Communications Radios Visual Contact

14 CONFINED SPACE PROGRAM Identify Required and Prohibited Work Procedures Hot Work PPE Decontamination Lock Out Tag Out Permit Posting Recordkeeping

15 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS All Employees Basic Entry Procedures, Site Confined Spaces, and Hazards Authorized Entrants Understand Naure of the Hazard and Testing Proper PPE Usage

16 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Attendants Use of Communication Equipment Emergency Alerting Intoxication Recognition Authorized Job Tasks Qualified Person Same As Above Plus Additional Knowledge Recordkeeping

17 RESPONSIBILITIES Employer Qualified Person Attendant Entrant Regular Employee Contract Manager

18 RESPONSIBILITIES Employer Implement Confined Space Entry Program Identify All Confined Spaces Identify and Implement Hazard Control Measures Provide Employee Training Determine and Provide Adequate PPE Provide for A Rescue Team

19 RESPONSIBILITIES Qualified Person Ensures Safe Entry Conditions Signs the Permit Performs Routine Inspections Cancels the Permit If Conditions Become Unsafe or Upon Project Completion Ensures Unauthorized Individuals Do Not Enter

20 RESPONSIBILITIES Attendant Remains Outside to Observe Is Aware of Exposure Symptoms Remains in Constant Communication with Entrant Allows Only Authorized Entry Orders Entrants Out If Unsafe Conditions Arise

21 RESPONSIBILITIES Attendant Notifies the Rescue Team if Necessary Remains at Post Until Relief or Rescue Team Arrives Returns Expired Permit to Qualified Person

22 RESPONSIBILITIES Entrant Is Familiar With Specific Confined Space Related Hazards Can Recognize Exposure Symptoms Wears PPE as Instructed and Trained Remains in Constant Communication with Attendant

23 RESPONSIBILITIES Entrant Knows Evacuation Procedures and Can Implement Them Exits the Confined Space and Alerts the Attendant if a Hazardous Condition Arises

24 RESPONSIBILITIES Contract Manager Insure Contractors Who Work in or Near Confined Spaces Are Aware of the Confined Space Program, Locations of the Confined Spaces and the Operations That Are Performed Near the Confined Space Insure That Contract Employees Are All Adequately Trained

25 RESPONSIBILITIES Regular Employees Understand the Locations of Confined Spaces Understand Entry Restrictions Know the Qualified Person to Initiate Entry Procedures

26 PRIMARY HAZARDS Existing Environmental Hazards Hazardous Atmosphere Engulfment Heat Stress Electrocution Entrapment Physical Dangers

27 SECONDARY HAZARDS Changeable Conditions Oxygen Usage Material Build-up Re-Entrainment Introduction of Material Outside Work


29 ATMOSPHERIC TESTING Oxygen 19.5 to 23.5% LEL Less than 20% Toxic Gasses Depends On Gas

30 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Call 911 Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment Only utilize Trained, Informed Rescuers Only Use Designated Safety Equipment


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