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 Background  Deficit vs. enrichment  Academic Advancement Center  CASA  College of Natural Sciences  College of Liberal Arts  Native American.

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Presentation on theme: " Background  Deficit vs. enrichment  Academic Advancement Center  CASA  College of Natural Sciences  College of Liberal Arts  Native American."— Presentation transcript:


2  Background  Deficit vs. enrichment

3  Academic Advancement Center  CASA  College of Natural Sciences  College of Liberal Arts  Native American Cultural Center  Center for Public Deliberation  SLiCE  International Students & Scholars  Adult Learner & Veteran Services  Learning Assistance Program  Residence Life  Honor’s Program  RICRO  Career Center  Graduate School

4  Student Advisory Board ◦ Made up of students recommended by Faculty & Staff ◦ Meet about 3 times/semester  Faculty/Staff Advisory Board ◦ Headed by Andrea Reeve, AAC ◦ Made up of people from all over campus ◦ TILT’s members ex-officio

5  We believe… 1. Students should take responsibility for their own learning. 2. Students learn best in an environment that respects diversity. 3. Students learn best when they reflect on the process of learning. 4. Academic skills are best learned within the context of a given course or discipline. 5. Learning is strategic. 6. Learning is active. 7. Learning is collaborative.

6 1. Academic & Study Skills 2. Course-based Assistance 3. Academic Enrichment 4. Preparation

7  Time Management  Taking Great Notes  Presentation Skills  Critical Reading  Memory & Concentration  Academic Misconduct Awareness  Test-Taking Strategies  Academic Recovery  Active Learning Techniques  GTA Ethics Training  February%20LP%20Workshops.pdf February%20LP%20Workshops.pdf Workshops currently face-to face, 50 minutes Coming modules

8  Science & Mathematics/Liberal Arts Tutorial Hall—Referrals  Other Campus Tutoring—Referrals  Academic Advancement Center

9  Supplemental Instruction: Pilot Spring 2010 ◦ HIST 100, HIST 101, ECON 202  Future Ideas: ◦ Online Tutorial Exchange Board ◦ Campus-wide Tutoring Summit

10  My Favorite Lecture series  Hands-on Short Courses ◦ Web Design, Info Management

11  CSU Creates Video Contest  Improving Higher Education Study Circles: In collaboration with the Center for Public Deliberation

12  In collaboration with the Career Center, the Graduate School, International Programs, and others… ◦ Getting in to Graduate school ◦ Grad School Panels ◦ Leadership opportunities for students ◦ Teaching opportunities for Graduate students ◦ Alternative Career Paths Panel ◦ Peace Corps/International Travel/Volunteer work ◦ Self-Employment/Entrepreneurialism

13 The CSU Center for Public Deliberation (CPD) was established in the Fall of 2006 and is “Dedicated to enhancing local democracy through improved public communication and community problem solving.” The Center for Public Deliberation

14  How are we working to improve higher education and learning?  What does it take to implement a dialogue on higher education?  What is the project?  What is the goal of the project?  What have been the outcomes?  What is in store for the future?

15  How are we working to improve higher education and learning? ◦ Hosting various dialogue processes  What does it take to implement a dialogue on higher education? ◦ Human and material resources

16  What is the project? ◦ To host an ongoing conversation on improving the quality of learning  What is the goal of the project? ◦ Spark change through campus dialogue

17 Resources  Master teacher  Unbroken materials  Recitation for all large classes  More elective credits Assessment Multiple forms of assessment Analysis papers More quizzes Group work Technology New and current technology Smart Boards Teaching Styles Discussion-based teaching Activities and exercises Case Studies Divided class time Practicality Real world connection with material Industry in classroom University should lead industry Job skills Opportunity Experience Internships


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