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TRƯƠNG PHƯỚC NHỊ NGUYÊN Vietnam National University – International University March 8 th, 2012 TRƯƠNG PHƯỚC NHỊ NGUYÊN Vietnam National University – International.

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Presentation on theme: "TRƯƠNG PHƯỚC NHỊ NGUYÊN Vietnam National University – International University March 8 th, 2012 TRƯƠNG PHƯỚC NHỊ NGUYÊN Vietnam National University – International."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRƯƠNG PHƯỚC NHỊ NGUYÊN Vietnam National University – International University March 8 th, 2012 TRƯƠNG PHƯỚC NHỊ NGUYÊN Vietnam National University – International University March 8 th, 2012

2 Outline I - The History of Holi Festival II - Celebration * 1 - Holika Dahan * 2 - Holi Festival

3 THE HISTORY OF HOLI FESTIVAL Occurred in India. Celebrated Phalgun Purnima which comes in February end or early March. (click) (click) Celebrate triumph of “good” over “bad, evil”. A legend about Prahlad prince and Holika. _ Hiranyakashipu (Hira) was a demon king. _ Prahlad was a devotee of Vishnu. _ Holika was a demo and had a special power.

4 Prahlad prince Holika

5 Holika Dahan – The Bonfire Eve  Bonfires  Tell Holi legend.  Gather, sing folk songs, dance.  Food: special cuisines of Holi. CELEBRATION


7 Special Cuisines Of Holi Malpua and Badam Puri The sweet cakes made from rice and milk. Puran Poli Made from lentil and cardamon powder and ghee (milk from buffalo).

8 Special Cuisines Of Holi Bhang Lassi A drink from hot milk, coconut milk, almond and ginger. Thandai A drink from milk, almond, peppercorn and rose water.

9 CELEBRATION Holi Celebration Play with colour powder and colour water. Full of happiness and fun. Exchange sweets and hugs, the warm wishes for “Happy Holi”. Rub colourful powder and water on face.


11 SUMMARY Holi is an ancient festival in India and was originally known as 'Holika'. Holi is celebrated to memorise the triumph of “good” over “evil” and welcome a new spring with happiness and gaiety. Holi helps society unite and strengthen.

12 Time for Holi Festival 16 th February in Lunar calendar is the day of Holi festival. The15 th February eve in Lunar calendar is the eve of Holika Dahan.

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