Mind Mapping: how to maximize your brain’s potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Mind Mapping: how to maximize your brain’s potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mind Mapping: how to maximize your brain’s potential

2 Mind Mapping Tony Buzan

3 Why Mind Map? Organize thoughts when brainstorming Effective method of taking notes Harnesses the full range of cortical skills – word, image, number, logic, rhythm, color and spatial awareness Aid creativity, memory, and specifically the recall of information




7 Mind Maps Use: Lines Symbols Color Images

8 7 Steps 1. Start in the center of a blank page turned sideways. – Give your brain freedom to spread out in all directions

9 7 Steps 2. Use an image or picture for your main idea. – An image helps your imagination. It is more interesting and keeps your focused helping you to concentrate.

10 7 Steps 3. Use colors throughout. – Colors are as exciting to your Brain as are images. Color will add energy to your creative thinking.

11 7 Steps 4. Connect your main branches to the central image etc. – Your brain works by association. It likes to link two (or three, or four) things together.

12 7 Steps 5. Make your branches curved instead of straight lined. – Having nothing but straight lines is boring to your brain.

13 7 Steps 6. Use one key word per line – Single words give your Mind Map more power and flexibility. Nest Bird Tree Nest Bird Tree

14 7 Steps 7. Use images throughout – Each image, like the central image, is worth a thousand words!


16 Brainstorming Words Happiness

17 Hmmm……… How many words will be the same for everyone? How many will be common to all but one member? How many words will have been chosen by only one person?

18 My Results Happiness Shopping Reading Friends Gardening Travel Spring Pet

19 Let’s Compare!

20 Brainstorming Images

21 My House!


23 Verbal Mind Mapping Happiness Shopping Reading Friends Gardening Travel Spring Pet


25 Mind Mapping Shopping Reading Friends Gardening Travel Spring Pet Kindle School Friends

26 Mind Mapping Software Project Management Knowledge Management Running meetings more effectively Enhancing team collaboration MindJetMindView 5 Business MindGenius Business 4iMindMap6 MindMapper http://www.mindmapping.com/mind-mapping-software-review.php

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