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Distributing Fractions in Equations DAY 7 Return to table of contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Distributing Fractions in Equations DAY 7 Return to table of contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributing Fractions in Equations DAY 7 Return to table of contents

2 Remember... 1. Simplify each side of the equation. 2. Solve the equation. (Undo addition and subtraction first, multiplication and division second) Remember, whatever you do to one side of an equation, you MUST do to the other side!

3 (-3 + 3x) = 3 5 72 5 (-3 + 3x) = 3 5 72 5  (-3 + 3x) =  3535 72 5 3 5 3 -3 + 3x = 24 +3 3x = 27 3 3 x = 9 (-3 + 3x) = 3 5 72 5  (-3 + 3x) =  3 5 72 5 5 5 3(-3 + 3x) = 72 -9 + 9x = 72 +9 +9 9x = 81 9 9 x = 9


5 95 Solve.

6 96 Solve.

7 (8 - 3c) = 2 3 16 3 97 Solve.

8 98 Solve.

9 99 Solve.

10 Translating Between Words and Expressions Return to table of contents

11 List words that indicate addition

12 List words that indicate subtraction

13 List words that indicate multiplication

14 List words that indicate division

15 List words that indicate equals


17 _______________ click to reveal _______________

18 The many ways to represent multiplication... How do you represent "three times a"? (3)(a)3(a) 3  a3a The preferred representation is 3a When a variable is being multiplied by a number, the number (coefficient) is always written in front of the variable. The following are not allowed: 3xa... The multiplication sign looks like another variable a3... The number is always written in front of the variable

19 Representation of division... How do you represent "b divided by 12"? b ÷ 12 b ∕ 12 b 12

20 When choosing a variable, there are some that are often avoided: l, i, t, o, O, s, S Why might these be avoided? It is best to avoid using letters that might be confused for numbers or operations. In the case above (1, +, 0, 5)

21 Three times j Eight divided by j j less than 7 5 more than j 4 less than j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - ÷ TRANSLATE THE WORDS INTO AN ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSION j    ÷ ÷ ÷ - - - ++

22 23 + m The sum of twenty-three and m Write the expression for each statement. Then check your answer.

23 d - 24 Twenty-four less than d Write the expression for each statement. Then check your answer.

24 4(8-j) Write the expression for each statement. Remember, sometimes you need to use parentheses for a quantity. Four times the difference of eight and j

25 7w 12 The product of seven and w, divided by 12 Write the expression for each statement. Then check your answer.

26 (6+p) 2 Write the expression for each statement. Then check your answer. The square of the sum of six and p

27 100The quotient of 200 and the quantity of p times 7 A200 7p B200 - (7p) C200 ÷ 7p D7p 200

28 101 35 multiplied by the quantity r less 45 A35r - 45 B35(45) - r C35(45 - r) D35(r - 45)

29 102Mary had 5 jellybeans for each of 4 friends. A5 + 4 B5 - 4 C5 x 4 D5 ÷ 4

30 103If n + 4 represents an odd integer, the next larger odd integer is represented by An + 2 Bn + 3 Cn + 5 Dn + 6 From the New York State Education Department. Office of Assessment Policy, Development and Administration. Internet. Available from; accessed 17, June, 2011.

31 104 a less than 27 A27 - a B a 27 Ca - 27 D27 + a

32 105If h represents a number, which equation is a correct translation of: “Sixty more than 9 times a number is 375”? A9h = 375 B9h + 60 = 375 C9h - 60 = 375 D60h + 9 = 375 From the New York State Education Department. Office of Assessment Policy, Development and Administration. Internet. Available from; accessed 17, June, 2011.

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