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United Nations V Communism

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1 United Nations V Communism
Korean War United Nations V Communism

2 World War Two Japan had occupied Korea since 1895 against the wishes of the Korean Government and its people. At the close of World War 2 both Soviet and US troops occupied Korea.

3 Post War Division of Korea
Potsdam and Yalta Division of Korea at the 38th Parallel. North Korea Communist South Korea Democratic

4 Communist Takeover of Asia?
American worried about communist spreading throughout Asia. Domino theory

5 North Korea Kim Il Sung South Korea Syngman Rhee

6 Korean Aims Both leaders wanted to Unify Korea but with different ideas over the style of Government Both conducted Military attacks across the border during 1949 and early 1950.

7 North Korea 1949, Kim Il Sung pressed the Soviets for support.
Stalin was reluctant. Possible War with US, Lack of North Korean Readiness. Over the next year, the North Korean leadership moulded its army into a relatively formidable offensive war machine modelled partly on a Soviet mechanized force but strengthened primarily by an influx of Korean veterans who had served with the Chinese People's Liberation Army since the 1930s

8 By early 1950 the time for decision could no longer be postponed by either Moscow or Pyongyang
By this time Syngman Rhee's police forces, with the earlier help of the Americans, had violently suppressed much of the domestic opposition.

9 Time to Strike? The possibility of reunification through insurgency seemed closed, and Rhee's regime was gaining in strength if not popularity. Kim was left with the sole option of conventional invasion if he wished to unify Korea as a communist dictatorship before the Southern government became strong enough to defend itself

10 Soviet Help By 1950, the North Korean military was equipped with outdated Soviet weaponry, yet it enjoyed substantial advantages over the Southern forces in virtually every category of equipment Stalin agreed to help with the war effort by providing 25,000 tonnes Stalin approved the attack in March 1950

11 In Return March 9, 1950, North Korea had agreed to send to Russia 9 tons of gold, 40 tons of silver, and 15,000 tons of monazite concentrate as payment for additional Soviet arms, ammunition and military technical equipment

12 Who would be involved? Communist forces North Korea China Soviet Union
United Nations Forces US, Republic Of Korea, Australia, Belgium Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Holland, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom

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