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Legalization of Cannabis Sativa I believe that cannabis sativa should be legal in all 50 states.

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Presentation on theme: "Legalization of Cannabis Sativa I believe that cannabis sativa should be legal in all 50 states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legalization of Cannabis Sativa I believe that cannabis sativa should be legal in all 50 states

2 HIGH TIMES MAGAZINE SMOKING POT HAS FEWER DANGEROUS EFFECTS THAN LEGAL DRUGS SUCH AS ALCOHOL. Pot is the largest cash crop in the in the United States. Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs.

3 High Times Magazine Cont. Legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers, as well as reduce their exposure to other drugs in the illegal market. If the excessive profits for marijuana sales were ended through legalization there would be less incentive for teens to sell it to one another.

4 History of cannabis Until 1937, consumption and sale of cannabis was legal in most American states. federal law made possession or transfer of cannabis illegal This was contrary to the advice of the American Medical Association at the time. Some analysts theorize DuPont wanted to boost declining post-war textile sales, and wished to eliminate hemp fiber as competition.

5 Medical benefits of cannabis Marijuana also relieves nausea suffered by cancer patients undergoing powerful chemotherapy. Marijuana also proved to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma because its use lowers pressure on the eye. The fact is smoking extreme amounts of marijuana will do nothing more than put someone to sleep

6 Medical benefits of cannabis cont Cannabis is also used by patients who have multiple sclerosis and AIDS. "Marijuana has been a medicine for 5,000 years," Smoked cannabis was well tolerated and effectively relieved chronic neuropathic pain from HIV-associated sensory neuropathy.

7 Medical benefits cont Research done by the Scripps Research Instute in California shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, prevents the formation of deposits in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease. Injections of THC eliminate dependence on opiates in stressed rats smoking marijuana can have a positive effect on disorders such as Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression.

8 Medical benefits cont The human brain cancer cells received the THC, the tumor shrank. Marijuana could control some of the symptoms of ALS or Lou Gehrig Disease. Cannabidiol has been shown to relieve convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, cough and congestion, nausea, and inhibits cancer cell growth

9 Medical benefits cont Helps with ADD and ADHD Prevents seizures Treats crohns

10 What cannabis can be used for clothing and paper building supplies and cars fuels and food products

11 What cannabis can be used for cont Hemp fabrics. Biodegradable industrial products. Biomass fuels.

12 What cannabis can be used for cont Replacement for wood products. Paper. Body Care Products.

13 What cannabis can be used for cont Pet Foods. Detergents. Art supplies.

14 What cannabis can be used for cont Food products. Medicine Jewelry

15 What cannabis can be used for cont Water and soil purification Weed control Housing

16 What cannabis can be used for cont Moisturizing lotions Shampoo Cosmetics

17 What cannabis can be used for cont Shoes Diapers / Nappies Bags

18 What cannabis can be used for cont Putty Coatings Molding

19 What cannabis can be used for cont Animal bedding Ethanol/biofuel Erosion control

20 What cannabis can be used for cont Fiberglass subsitute Hempcrete Stucco and mortar

21 Authors William Strizich Richard Lee William Randolph Alexandre Meneghini William Hearst Phillip Smith


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